Best example for major host advantage. The guy you kill at about 2:00. You don't get any hitmarkers when shooting him, but kill him with a single punch although he's armored up. That's what makes me rage about this game.
Amongst your opponents were some pretty bad nooblettes but anyway, wp.
Best example for major host advantage. The guy you kill at about 2:00. You don't get any hitmarkers when shooting him, but kill him with a single punch although he's armored up. That's what makes me rage about this game. .
Seriously. No offense dude but posting beastly videos in P2P games like this is kind of pointless. Host = victory.
I don't think anyone here is trying to put him down. This video should just be titled "Evidence A" for the case of the serious lag and hit detection issues that are plaguing this game right now. Half the time his crosshairs aren't on the other guy and they just drop.
Ahh, well the truth is, I haven't seen his video that he posted because I'm at work and my employer has Youtube on a blocked list! That's why I couldn't really comment on his skillz, or lack of, or whatever else.