» Fri Feb 18, 2011 9:14 pm
I thought it was just me, but it seems others here agree. I've never bought any shooter of any type, before, but I was curious to see what the sequel of what is perhaps the best-looking game of current existence looks like on my PS3 while perhaps playing the demo of a shooter that actually interests me enough for me to buy it. It really doesn't look that good, in my opinion. I'm not sure why, as others have said, but there's just something about it that doesn't look good and the Killzone 3 demo definitely seemed to have more impressive graphics, to me. I also thought, from what I've played, that the Killzone 3 demo was more fun. That it takes ridiculous amounts of time to even connect me to a game and that it keeps disconnecting me doesn't help. I remember reading that Crytek was optimizing the PS3 version and having it as their leading console for this game, but it really doesn't look like that at all. What happened?