» Mon Nov 28, 2011 9:53 pm
I'm playing Crysis 2 for the first time, and one thing that Ive noticed is that the big alien robots that shoot pulse cannons always seem to know where I am. I'm playing the level where you have to "Defend the Airlift Evac and the hold off the Ceph attack." If I get into shooting range, while still out of sight and out of range from being detected, the robot ALWAYS!!!turn and faces my direction. No matter how I use the map (using subway tunnel, hide behind trucks, in buildings, etc.) I can never get a clean shot, and if I do happen to hit the target area on its back i never get a chance to do it again. Also the aliens themselves seem to run in circles until I shoot at them. I don't know if this is a glitch or not, but its boring to keep playing this level over and over with absolutely no hope of completing it. It makes me regret buying this game. Other than that the game is great.
if anyone else has a helpful tip or solution please let me know. Until then I'm going back to Black Ops