Someone posted this on gamesas earlier, it has a very extensive list of the native resolutions that games run at. Very few run at 1080p, and many of them are XBLA or PSN games
you can't figure out the resolution from a compressed video. end of story.
Try telling that to the PS3 fanboys on N4G, LOL check out some of these comments!
Don't worry it's not jus n4g it's everywhere. The people who believe this and actually freak out are idiots. If it was an anolysis of a playable build then i'd understand but a compressed video is rediculous. I feel embarrassed to have such people representing ps3 gamers on the internet like this.
As long as it looks good is definitely all that matters - but if the 360 version looks noticeably better than I am going to be upset since I really want to get it for the PS3.
This video tells you the resolution straight from Crytek:
But really who cares as long as it looks good.
I wish more gamers thought like you do. For some reason, games are no longer about having fun for people and instead have turned into some kind of sad-nerd pencs measuring contest.