Anywho, I was reading the comments and came across two, That identically reiterate my views on Crytek's epic fail: Crysis 2...(Key statements are in bold and underlined)
weaselsmasher :
So here's an experiment. Take three DX11-capable systems that are hardware-identical and software-identical, down to the drivers. Take a few games that are capable of DX9, DX10, and DX11. Put them next to each other, run the game with maximum settings under each of the three DX versions. Now see how many people can correctly identify the DX11 game.I would bet good money that even among a knowledgeable set of testers (say, GDC attendees or something like that), that the rate of correct identification will not be much more than a "random" 33%. Crytek "owes" nobody DX11. Of COURSE they choose profit. They have to, if they want to stay in business, write paychecks that don't bounce, and pay rent and taxes. Any company that doesn't do that isn't a company for long (a fact utterly lost on the "I'm entitled to everything for free" generation, and on people who are utterly without clue on what it actually costs to run a AAA game company in the real world).
Whether or not it's running directX 11 hardware has nothing to do with it. Current games aren't being made to take advantage of current gen, or hell even previous gen hardware because every bit of it is constrained by 6 year old consoles.
Take Crysis 1, with max graphics, and set it beside any current gen console game, and ask any noob off the street which looks better. I would bet good money that even among an ignorant set of testers, the rate of opinion would point 100% towards 2011 PC hardware being stressed correctly.
The entire problem with Crysis 2 and how Crytek screwed this up has nothing to do with how they're running their business. If they want to be console only developers, no one would give a damn. What they did wrong was in promising their PC customer base that their console development would not negatively impact the PC side. It did. And it did it in such a way that the PC graphics are worse than their first Crysis from 5 years ago. Crytek doesn't owe consumers anything tangible like some kick ass game that blows everyone's mind. But they do owe us the truth. And they've not delivered either of those.
-This post, Credit to TheCapulet
What's most disappointing is Crytek saying a while back, "Crysis 2 is a PC game made to fit on a console, not the other way round."
..but of course we all know what happened at launch (default aim assist, "Press Start" on the title screen, DX9 only, etc.
It's like Crytek is saying, "Now that we're on consoles, you PC users can piss off and suffer for a while because you pirated our first three games"
What they don't seem to care about is how many more people actually bought those first three games, laying the groundwork and then some to allow them to make a game as ambitious as Crysis 2 in the first place.
They really need to take a look and companies like Valve, Dice, CD Project Red, etc. Crysis 2 is pretty damn fun but considering it was designed and optimized to run on consoles,I was actually expecting much better performance, especially for DX9. Hell I get a higher average framerate in the original Crysis in DX10 on Very High. The only time the frames drop lower than Crysis 2 is around heavy HDR/vegetation, which is also constantly a lot more processor/memory intensive than any environment in Crysis 2.
-This post, Credit to badaxe2
If either of you two frequent these boards and happen across this topic, Allow me to say thank you. Thank you for taking the time to state what I simply do not have the willingness to do, Anymore, Regarding PC games.
The bottom line, Is this, And while it is off-topic, It's still keeping to the overarching theme of this post:
PC Gaming is a fast dying industry. It is NOT, Contrary to what game companies may state (And if you look carefully, It's ONLY the distributors and developers that KNOW they've screwed up and released a screwed product, But don't want to or simply can't accept responsibility!), That piracy is the cause of the dying industry. PC gaming started dying when the first Xbox was released. No, The PS2 is NOT included, Simply because the hardware was too drastically different back then: Games couldn't be ported one way or the other, And, On the rare occasions that they were ported, A fair amount of effort still had to go in to said ports.
Essentially, It is Microsoft's own fault, That game developers and distributors are moving away from PC. Mac piracy isnt an issue or a comparison, Since: A) Mac owners represent a miniscule portion of the computer market - Somewhere in the vicinity of around 8% of all computer owners have macs and B) Very VERY few games are even brought to Mac, In the first place. Had the Xbox never have been released, Ports and even worse, dodgy ports, Would not, Or would barely, Exist - The ratio would be inverse: more good, genuine pc games: more happy, content customers/fans. Simple as that. Piracy is a constant. It is human nature to want something without giving up something of your own, To get it.
Please bear in mind, When commenting/replying, That this post IS NOT a debate on the legality/illegality, Legitimacy/Illegitimacy or reason behind piracy. Let's keep this on topic about how direly Crytek let down it's customers.
***NOTE*** This rant is COMPLETELY ignoring the disasterous state that is multiplayer. General stability issues, Insane ping (9999ms and up) on servers even after a patch was released that supposedly "fixed" the issue, Progression & stats resets, And then, Of course, There's the widespread and BORDERLINE uncurbed hacking/cheating that occurs in ALMOST every server...
Anywho, I was reading the comments and came across two, That identically reiterate my views on Crytek's epic fail: Crysis 2...(Key statements are in bold and underlined)
weaselsmasher :
So here's an experiment. Take three DX11-capable systems that are hardware-identical and software-identical, down to the drivers. Take a few games that are capable of DX9, DX10, and DX11. Put them next to each other, run the game with maximum settings under each of the three DX versions. Now see how many people can correctly identify the DX11 game.I would bet good money that even among a knowledgeable set of testers (say, GDC attendees or something like that), that the rate of correct identification will not be much more than a "random" 33%. Crytek "owes" nobody DX11. Of COURSE they choose profit. They have to, if they want to stay in business, write paychecks that don't bounce, and pay rent and taxes. Any company that doesn't do that isn't a company for long (a fact utterly lost on the "I'm entitled to everything for free" generation, and on people who are utterly without clue on what it actually costs to run a AAA game company in the real world).
Whether or not it's running directX 11 hardware has nothing to do with it. Current games aren't being made to take advantage of current gen, or hell even previous gen hardware because every bit of it is constrained by 6 year old consoles.
Take Crysis 1, with max graphics, and set it beside any current gen console game, and ask any noob off the street which looks better. I would bet good money that even among an ignorant set of testers, the rate of opinion would point 100% towards 2011 PC hardware being stressed correctly.
The entire problem with Crysis 2 and how Crytek screwed this up has nothing to do with how they're running their business. If they want to be console only developers, no one would give a damn. What they did wrong was in promising their PC customer base that their console development would not negatively impact the PC side. It did. And it did it in such a way that the PC graphics are worse than their first Crysis from 5 years ago. Crytek doesn't owe consumers anything tangible like some kick ass game that blows everyone's mind. But they do owe us the truth. And they've not delivered either of those.
-This post, Credit to TheCapulet
What's most disappointing is Crytek saying a while back, "Crysis 2 is a PC game made to fit on a console, not the other way round."
..but of course we all know what happened at launch (default aim assist, "Press Start" on the title screen, DX9 only, etc.
It's like Crytek is saying, "Now that we're on consoles, you PC users can piss off and suffer for a while because you pirated our first three games"
What they don't seem to care about is how many more people actually bought those first three games, laying the groundwork and then some to allow them to make a game as ambitious as Crysis 2 in the first place.
They really need to take a look and companies like Valve, Dice, CD Project Red, etc. Crysis 2 is pretty damn fun but considering it was designed and optimized to run on consoles,I was actually expecting much better performance, especially for DX9. Hell I get a higher average framerate in the original Crysis in DX10 on Very High. The only time the frames drop lower than Crysis 2 is around heavy HDR/vegetation, which is also constantly a lot more processor/memory intensive than any environment in Crysis 2.
-This post, Credit to badaxe2
If either of you two frequent these boards and happen across this topic, Allow me to say thank you. Thank you for taking the time to state what I simply do not have the willingness to do, Anymore, Regarding PC games.
The bottom line, Is this, And while it is off-topic, It's still keeping to the overarching theme of this post:
PC Gaming is a fast dying industry. It is NOT, Contrary to what game companies may state (And if you look carefully, It's ONLY the distributors and developers that KNOW they've screwed up and released a screwed product, But don't want to or simply can't accept responsibility!), That piracy is the cause of the dying industry. PC gaming started dying when the first Xbox was released. No, The PS2 is NOT included, Simply because the hardware was too drastically different back then: Games couldn't be ported one way or the other, And, On the rare occasions that they were ported, A fair amount of effort still had to go in to said ports.
Essentially, It is Microsoft's own fault, That game developers and distributors are moving away from PC. Mac piracy isnt an issue or a comparison, Since: A) Mac owners represent a miniscule portion of the computer market - Somewhere in the vicinity of around 8% of all computer owners have macs and B) Very VERY few games are even brought to Mac, In the first place. Had the Xbox never have been released, Ports and even worse, dodgy ports, Would not, Or would barely, Exist - The ratio would be inverse: more good, genuine pc games: more happy, content customers/fans. Simple as that. Piracy is a constant. It is human nature to want something without giving up something of your own, To get it.
Please bear in mind, When commenting/replying, That this post IS NOT a debate on the legality/illegality, Legitimacy/Illegitimacy or reason behind piracy. Let's keep this on topic about how direly Crytek let down it's customers.
***NOTE*** This rant is COMPLETELY ignoring the disasterous state that is multiplayer. General stability issues, Insane ping (9999ms and up) on servers even after a patch was released that supposedly "fixed" the issue, Progression & stats resets, And then, Of course, There's the widespread and BORDERLINE uncurbed hacking/cheating that occurs in ALMOST every server...
james tait - Posts: 3385
- Joined: Fri Jun 22, 2007 6:26 pm