To summarize it up: technically Crysis 1 cant be cracked by its successor,
C2 is more of a mass market product and not as individual as the original Crysis but its nonetheless a really good FPS.
Some bad things about Crysis 2:
- No customizable crosshair
- crawling roaches for ex. are not more than flat 2d textures --- no comparison to all the animals in Crysis 1 ( my loved turtles)
- really butt ugly trees and poor vegetation.... not even close to the beautyfull palm trees and jungles in Crysis1.
- buttugly water with flat trash(litter) textures on it ... The water in Crysis 1 was the most beautyfull thing ive ever seen in a videogame.
- Some extremely low res textures ( and yes they are obtrusively eyecatching sometimes) and repeating textures... most textures in Crysis 1 differ a lot and most of them were extremely detailed.
- The physics are nowhere near as good as in Crysis 1... you will never experience something like.. throw grenade under jeep... explosionwave smashes Korean soldier into hut... the hut and the whole interior collapse while the jeep smashes into the whole mess.. Crysis 2 is like kicking cars around..see surfaces get shotholes.. end of physicseffects ingame.
- backgrounds are mostly simple bitmap wallpapers
- Some bodyparts like the knees of the soldiers look like they used only 3 polygons without a texture.
Source(s): ( in german),816278/WTF-Kolumne-Mein-Test-von-Crysis-2-oder-Ihr-habt-mein-Spiel-verkonsolisiert/Action-Spiel/News/,816776/Crysis-2-fuer-den-PC-im-Test-Verdammt-gut-trotz-Konsolen-Anleihen/Action-Spiel/Test/
Im not angry but:
Cavat Yerli: Pc players will get the "better" Crysis 2,; Crysis 2 is in every way superior to Crysis 1;