crysis review scores

Post » Thu Apr 14, 2011 8:18 am

Many pc gamers are wondering how crysis 2 got high scores when they cant even play the damn game

where read this article
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lydia nekongo
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Post » Thu Apr 14, 2011 12:07 am

Interesting article, but I don't think it speaks to the issue of Crysis2's average review score.

Crysis2 got high scores across the board because it's basically a pretty good console game. Reviewers aren't going to delve into the morass of the PC gaming world when they know they're going to come up with is a handful of dirty muck. The last time a Gamespot editor spoke his mind about a major release by a corporate monster like EA, he was "asked to resign." That's the real reason why you won't see Crysis2's many PC issues on a major gaming site. Nobody is willing to put his/her head on the chopping block when a titan of the industry like EA is swinging the ax.
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Jessica Raven
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Post » Thu Apr 14, 2011 7:15 am

I was disappointed and PC gamer and Maximum PC gave it a high score. THey gave black ops a low score.

There is a huge backlash against crysis 2 than the fanboys liks borss and ipwn let u see. No benchmarking site is using crysis 2 for benchmarking tool. All the ppl in those site forums are pissed
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Dark Mogul
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