I ordered Crysis 2 after - yes, what you now are going to read is true - i DONWLOADED the game ILLEGALY from the INTERNET. I Played for about 2 Hours and enjoyed the game. Because i also hear many people saying, that the multiplayers is not bad either, i BOUGHT it with REAL MONEY. Now i just read its possible to play online on normal servers, i mean not the kind "play on cracked servers with people who also have the cracked version" no its like "hell, dont pay anything, play the game online on EA-Servers and cheat the hell out of the people". I Just tried it and it WORKS?? Copy Protection = fail, everybody knows the game is going to be cracked, doesnt matter. But you Can actually write any sort of CD-Key after you created your Profile and you can play online? No This cant be. When The game is going to arrive i will send it back ASAP without removing the transparency so i will get my money back, because i dont wanna play a game with a bunch of cheaters. EA is as lazy as always when it comes to anti cheat and support but crytek could at least provide fast patches or a working CD-Key protection.