The only way to continue is to restart the campaign level, which is rediculosuly tedious as you can imagine.
I've already tried reinstalling the game and cleaning out my registry and everything. The second time around I didnt instal the optional DX11/High Res textures patches and it still crashes when loading saves.
The rest of my setup:
Intel C2D @ 3.6 (stable, not much overclock from the base speed. Removing overclock does nothing to fix the problem)
4 gigs ram (DDR2)
Windows 7 64-bit
X-fi Prelude 7.1
2560x1440 IPS screen
Everything is fully patched up. Once again, this doesnt seem to be a performance problem.. I can even run the DX11 stuff, but given my older processor and insane monitor I only run the game on "Very High".
It only crashes when loading saves, please help!