Ok. Granted.
Crysis has pretty graphics.
next year that will be old news.
next month the single player maps will be old news.
next month the multiplayer will be old news.
Question is, I bought crysis one souly because of the sandbox.
I need to know if crysis 2 includes sandbox for crysis 2.
Crysis 2's pretty levels and standard issue multiplayer is just another pretty shooter.
Im a huge fan of crysis 1. Farcry 1, doom3.
Ive been playing FPS sense Wolf3d.exe /wolfed.exe
and even catacombs (The FPS that was beta to Wolfenstein 3d.
Ill give crysis its great credit for the few things it does BEST.
But I will not be buying it without the editor. Its that simple.
Ill buy it the day the editor is released.
I play the game to play with the physics. To play with the enemies, etc etc.
not the static boring scripted AI from compeign.
to be honest, crytek AI is the akillies heal of its FPS.
Example.. *If you didnt personally paint a target on the gate.. The UI wont jump over it**
horrible AI.
Does Crysis 2 come with a new sandbox editor ? or no ?
my purchase depends SOULY on this one option.