-All NanoSuit modules are the equivalent of their Level 3 (max) Multiplayer counterparts. This means several things: Armor Enhance will also enhance your overall speed while in Armor Mode, Mobility Enhance will double the speed at which you ledgegrab, Air Stomp completely nullifies fall damage...
-For all weapons with secondary fire modes, hitting the secondary fire key while reloading will cancel the reload animation. The Reload will still process, but you'll be able to sprint AND slide while reloading! You won't however be able to fire until the time at which the reload animation would have completed if it hadn't been canceled. Also, for some reason, the animation itself doesn't cancel when using Grenade Launcher and Shotgun attachments, but everything I said earlier STILL applies.
-You can sprint AND slide freely with no aditional inputs when reloading pump-action shotgun types: The Marshall and the Shotgun Attachment.
-When grabbing Aliens, the whole grabbing animation has much more action delay than with humans (presumably because they're heavier). HOWEVER, this does not apply with the acrobatic melee types: Grabbing and throwing them is nearly instant, and one of the best ways to deal with them! This includes both regular Stalkers and Elite (red, armored) Stalker types.
-When performing Stealth Kills, you become decloaked during the animation, leaving you exposed. THIS CAN BE NULLIFIED! Tap Armor and then Cloak again (with Stealth Enhance) right as the Stealth Killing animation begins. You'll become completely invisible while performing the stealth kill, making this one of the best ways to deal with any alien infantry besides Heavies. Somehow, the avobe does not work by tapping Cloak twice (to uncloak and recloak): It only works if you go Cloak->Stealth Kill->Armor->Cloak.
-Bullets do more damage the closer you are. If you intend to open fire, get as up-close as you can before decloaking.
-You can change Attachments and Modules even before the menu comes up fully. If I hit H and instantly hit "3" three times and then enter, before I even get to see the hand up-close, I'll have selected AirStomp and be ready to fight quicker. Learn the menu buttons to swap attachments and modules FAST.
When ripping HMG off their mounts, doing so while in Armor Mode will be much faster (in just one pull) as opposed to three pulls in Standard and Cloak mode. You can tap into Armor, hit the rip button and instantly get out of armor (into whatever) and it'll still be in one pull: It only depends on having Armor on at the exact moment you hit the button.
-More to come...