crysis 2 singleplayer. is psycho dead?

Post » Wed May 18, 2011 5:55 am

If he is, then i'm not buying crysis 3. This is the biggest game breaker ever. I'm a brit and loved psycho. Crytek take note. Oh yeah, and...... release a dx11 patch and silence the pc community moaning.
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Laura Wilson
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 5:10 am

i dont think there will ever be "Crysis 3" after this epic fail.
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lisa nuttall
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 3:12 am

No he is not death. I as a big Crysis1/warhead fan, i dont take seriously Crysis2 story. For me it is just a big fail in story telling and i hope that Crytek will release some sequel to C1 in a true advanced game engine= cryengine2.
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Ilona Neumann
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 5:45 am

i dont think there will ever be "Crysis 3" after this epic fail.
Oh there will be crysis3. it will be Xbox exclusive and it will be titled "Crysis3: Call of Crysis"
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Jake Easom
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 10:14 am

i dont think there will ever be "Crysis 3" after this epic fail.
Oh there will be crysis3. it will be Xbox exclusive and it will be titled "Crysis3: Call of Crysis"
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 5:42 am

They left them out on purpose. PS3 and Xbox360 gamers had to be able to follow the story right away, so reintroducing Nomad and Psycho was just too much of a hassle, probably. It's a shame really, but there is a reason for it. I wouldn't call it a good one, but whatever.
Something I don't understand is the overall absence of soldiers in Nanosuit 1. Surely it wouldn't be completely discarded as soon as the first Nanosuit 2 came out? And there probably would have been some SpecOps soldiers with the Nanosuit 1 stationed in NY... Maybe the'll retcon it with the same reason as Psycho's and Nomad's absence.
I salute you, true fan.
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Nicole M
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 6:13 am

No he is not death. I as a big Crysis1/warhead fan, i dont take seriously Crysis2 story. For me it is just a big fail in story telling and i hope that Crytek will release some sequel to C1 in a true advanced game engine= cryengine2.

1-Yes, Psycho is dead. Along with Nomad. Prophet was said to be the ONLY ONE left alive in his squad (one of the reasons he was pissed at Hargreave lol)

2-Crysis 2's story I found was actually MUCH MUCH better than Crysis 1 (no surprise though, considering two top-notch sci-fi writers wrote the story and Cevat Yerli directed the game well). Definately kept me hooked to keep playing and know what happened next.

3-And CryEngine 3 is the SAME EXACT THING as CryEngine 2. Only difference is it's ACTUALLY WELL OPTIMIZED, and has NEXT GEN features. Oh yeah, and supports DX11 (which is going to come to Crysis 2 PC as a patch). People like you need to understand that CryEngine 2 is MUCH inferior to CryEngine 3 and that whatever it can do, CryEngine 3 can do the same, better, and/or EVEN MORE.
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Alisia Lisha
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 12:50 am

i dont think there will ever be "Crysis 3" after this epic fail.

I can agree 100% with you at this point, and THAT BURNS ME UP! What the brown Crytek?!
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sarah simon-rogaume
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 3:37 am

I think there can be Crysis 3.

Hopefully Crytec take "lessons learned" attitude.
Some say this is epic fail, but there is plenty people who is satisfied without trolling it in every discussion thread.
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louise fortin
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 3:39 am
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 10:18 pm

i dont think there will ever be "Crysis 3" after this epic fail.

LOL. Crysis 2 is nowhere near an epic fail. I think you're Delusional if you think that. Anyone who thinks Crysis 2 is an epic is just delusional in general and for those of you whining cause of DX11 support.. I suggest you get over it. DirectX 9 looks very good in my opinion.
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jessica breen
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 9:58 am

Crysis2's story-line is derivative, overly complicated and at times downright absurd. Sure, 15-19 year olds are going to be engrossed because it's an apocalyptic alien invasion and who among us didn't think that sh!t was automatically cool when we were kids? Too bad it's been done to death. Hell, Crysis2 is almost a carbon copy of Resistance: Fall of Man (with a few extra silly plot twists thrown in that don't actually do anything to accentuate the story). It's passable video game fodder, nothing more.

Crytek had a good thing going with the Crysis and it's a damn shame they threw it away for dollar signs. All that time spent building up their characters (Psycho in particular), just to thpthhhhh crap all over it without even attempting to explain what happened to them. Now we get to play as a face-less, voice-less grunt. I've been through the campaign twice, I'm still not entirely sure if Alcatraz died in the end, and honestly, I don't even care. GG Crytek.
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 2:44 am

Crysis2's story-line is derivative, overly complicated and at times downright absurd. Sure, 15-19 year olds are going to be engrossed because it's an apocalyptic alien invasion and who among us didn't think that sh!t was automatically cool when we were kids? Too bad it's been done to death. Hell, Crysis2 is almost a carbon copy of Resistance: Fall of Man (with a few extra silly plot twists thrown in that don't actually do anything to accentuate the story). It's passable video game fodder, nothing more.

Crytek had a good thing going with the Crysis and it's a damn shame they threw it away for dollar signs. All that time spent building up their characters (Psycho in particular), just to thpthhhhh crap all over it without even attempting to explain what happened to them. Now we get to play as a face-less, voice-less grunt. I've been through the campaign twice, I'm still not entirely sure if Alcatraz died in the end, and honestly, I don't even care. GG Crytek.

It was totaly unnecessary to introduce alcatraz anyway... after the first 5min your besically prophet and with a few plot changes you could have edited alcatraz out completely. To me it seems the death of prophet was just there to fully serve the link to crysis1 nothing more nothing less.
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Riky Carrasco
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 10:59 pm

i dont think there will ever be "Crysis 3" after this epic fail.

LOL. Crysis 2 is nowhere near an epic fail. I think you're Delusional if you think that. Anyone who thinks Crysis 2 is an epic is just delusional in general and for those of you whining cause of DX11 support.. I suggest you get over it. DirectX 9 looks very good in my opinion.
sooo.. have u played the first crysis yet?
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jenny goodwin
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 8:06 pm

Psycho may be alive. We should by Crysis 3 to find out =))))))
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Breanna Van Dijk
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 11:50 pm

Truth is nomad and psycho met in the middle of the island. Suit power was running low. Seeing everything was frozen they huddled together. This caused them to fall in love. Unable to live with the risk of losing one another they switched to stealth and sneaked of to a neighbour island. They spent their time watching aliens fly overhead, and making love.

But things took a turn for the worst when a general discovered them. He tried joining in and got so badly damaged he had to spend the rest of his life in a tank filled with jelly. He did however give everone horrible std's. Hence prophets outrage for his "walking dead" companions.

Ea was however embarrsed by this and cut it from c2.
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Lil Miss
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 7:35 am

Psycho may be alive. We should by Crysis 3 to find out =))))))

not going to by Crysis 3
not going to buy Crysis 3

but i will bye Crysis 3
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Nick Tyler
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 8:23 am

If he is, then i'm not buying crysis 3. This is the biggest game breaker ever. I'm a brit and loved psycho. Crytek take note. Oh yeah, and...... release a dx11 patch and silence the pc community moaning.

i quote from the spoliers and story of crysis 2 section "Nomad, Psycho & Ellena are dead" & also that prophet was the only surving member of raptor team

but i dont see how this is. i think crytek need to verify this story i enjoyed playing as psycho so it would be fun if he made a return somewhere
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Ebony Lawson
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 11:39 pm

Crysis2's story-line is derivative, overly complicated and at times downright absurd. Sure, 15-19 year olds are going to be engrossed because it's an apocalyptic alien invasion and who among us didn't think that sh!t was automatically cool when we were kids? Too bad it's been done to death. Hell, Crysis2 is almost a carbon copy of Resistance: Fall of Man (with a few extra silly plot twists thrown in that don't actually do anything to accentuate the story). It's passable video game fodder, nothing more.

Crytek had a good thing going with the Crysis and it's a damn shame they threw it away for dollar signs. All that time spent building up their characters (Psycho in particular), just to thpthhhhh crap all over it without even attempting to explain what happened to them. Now we get to play as a face-less, voice-less grunt. I've been through the campaign twice, I'm still not entirely sure if Alcatraz died in the end, and honestly, I don't even care. GG Crytek.

It was totaly unnecessary to introduce alcatraz anyway... after the first 5min your besically prophet and with a few plot changes you could have edited alcatraz out completely. To me it seems the death of prophet was just there to fully serve the link to crysis1 nothing more nothing less.

Exactly. There was NO reason to kill off Prophet except, like you said, to sever the link to Crysis and make it so that console gamers don't have to worry about not having played the first game in the series. The game makes so much more sense with Prophet at the helm. Hell, every single NPC in the game is calling you Prophet for the first 2 hours of the game, and the Cell grunts continue to call you Prophet 'til the end! You're running around in Prophet's Nano-suit, with Prophet's memories popping up at random. For all intents and purposes, you are Prophet. Jeez, what the hell was Crytek thinking? I'm not even blaming the writer for this hogwash, because I'm sure that whatever script he turned in was based on exactly what Crytek told him to write.
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 3:46 am

i dont think there will ever be "Crysis 3" after this epic fail.

LOL. Crysis 2 is nowhere near an epic fail. I think you're Delusional if you think that. Anyone who thinks Crysis 2 is an epic is just delusional in general and for those of you whining cause of DX11 support.. I suggest you get over it. DirectX 9 looks very good in my opinion.

i wouldnt consider crysis 2 an epic fail but there has been a major cock up somewhere in regards to post launch issues dx 11 would be nice and also start concentrating on a full 64 bit version too and besides dx9 is way old now were talking windows xp years 7-8 years i think?
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Penny Courture
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 1:29 am

IMO there are two must buy games this year if you were a fan: Crysis 2 and Mass Effect 3
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