Haha scarecrow uses it with gaus/reflex sight (and he only started that last month or so) , I use sniper scope and rapid fire. I don't do the one shot fast switch tactic, my AY is for close quarters against multiple enemies my gauss is for sniping loooong range and no scope headshots up close. As per the norm, like I always do. Heh.
Sure it used to be a majestic on that class, but AY with rapid fire is OP, plus I'm going for that sick AY dog tag.
All my classes are original home made, I always talk about how I never copy classes in my videos.
Anyways everyone knows I like the RaGE guys but when I get bored of playing vs scar and lasers I will bring it up and ask for a weapon swap.

Also loving the new QuiT server.
We can have awesome foursomes us four clans.

We just gotta keep it tight and friendly, as long as we're all here the game will surely never die. It was nice to see some fVic back online away from BF3 too.

Only started using it last month? ARE YOU HIGH? Crow has been using gauss with and without combined fire since day 1!