Crysis 3 Stalker Pack Questions

Post » Mon Sep 03, 2012 8:58 pm

Hello everyone.

I was browsing through my latest Crysis 3 news, when I stumbled upon some old info that intrigued me. The Stalker/Overkill/Predator packs all have "pleasing" offers, but they are kind of vague. I wanted to know, in my question to Filipe Amin, if the advertisemants on the packs were simply early unlocks or actual exclusive content. He didn't answer my question because he assumed I wanted info on it, and didn't realize I wanted to know whether, in my example, if the Stalker pack simply gives you the Silencer attachment EARLIER, or if you can ONLY get it in this pack. When I got Crysis 2 limited edition I was disappointed that the hologram attachment was simply unlocked earlier and not exclusive to me, and I want to know whether or not the advertised unlocks are exclusive to the pack, and are truly "unique" as stated, or are simply more items that you simply get right off the bat.

If anyone from Crytek could answer me correctly, it'd be much appreciated. To reiterate, is the Stalker Pack's silencer exclusive to the pack, meaning you can ONLY get it by buying this pack, or is it simply unlocked earlier?

This kind of vagueness is what stops sales, gentlemen.

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Teghan Harris
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