Yup, still lurking!
In answer to your questions...
1. That poor soul is Misfit, aka Paul Fitton. It is strange that the visor can't scan him, isn't it? Mind you, he's not the only character in the game that Prophet can't scan...
2 & 3. Well spotted. Something strange has happened to CELL's data on Nomad if you look carefully through all the collectable intel. Lots of it seems to have been redacted at some point between C1 and C3. And that's not the only odd thing in there either - is Prophet really the last nanosuit?
Have you collected ALL the intel? Maybe look again...
3. Hargreave never approved of the experiments Rasch was conducting on himself, but he had no idea about the true 'side affects' of Rasch's work.
Thanks for the Qs and glad you enjoyed the story.
Tara Strickland is the senator you hear at the end of the game!