Crysis 3 Story? =D

Post » Wed May 18, 2011 4:18 am

hey everyone, i have posted this in a comment in other topic but i'd like to hear what everyone els thinks of it?

Imagine you are one of the Elite Australian SAS, you think the war between humanity and aliens is over BUT!
You have been deployed into the heart of Afghanistan to seek out a man who belives to have picked up an unknown signal from an unknown race? that would be epic!

Over to something different (yeah im thinking wayy ahead but meh haha)
Do you think Crysis2 will finish the story their or a new crysis will emerge?
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FirDaus LOVe farhana
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 9:31 pm

It's supposed to be a trilogy but until we know how the story in 2 pans out it's impossible to guess where 3 would go. Maybe leave Earth altogether - some space sections, maybe some sections on an alien world.
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Matthew Warren
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 1:31 am

sgtsn1per, hell yeah! Streets of Afghan, muslims palace, sands, montains e t.c. Arrrgggghhh!!! )))
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Rebecca Clare Smith
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 9:01 pm

qdash, that would be epic, than all of a sudden you and prophet are in a firefight with some insurgents and they just randomly look into the sky and run off, the place is left a ghost town and you and prophet are left their wondering what is going on. Until an EMP goes off!, it scrambles your HUD (which has left you screwed) than this meteorish thing comes screaming from the sky and slams into a palace around 10kilometers from you, you and prophet go and check it out when some big ass alien dude in a mechsuit starts poppin rounds off at you haha
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sally R
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 6:25 am

I think more like this: Earth loses the fight and the aliens have conquered the entire earth. Now the aliens are going to the last "cleaning process" of earth. They use viruses and pure brutality to wipe out humans last survivors. You get equipped with the Nanosuit 3 (lol, I know but I think it will be this way), to help the survivors to fight against the aliens. The only way to fight them at their weak spot, is attacking their home planet. After stealing a glider and infiltrating an alien cruiser, the former Raptor Team and their new apprentice Alcatraz are on their way to the cephs home planet, a mechanical star. To destroy the planet, multiple nuclear warheads must be set at the most weakest construction points at the planet. I don't know further ;D
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Jay Baby
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 10:26 am

Crysis 3 will not be on earth.
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Elizabeth Davis
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 10:09 pm

Crysis 3 will not be on earth.
Want me to quote you on this?
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Talitha Kukk
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 12:18 am

Isnt it a tad too early to be speaking about this?
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james reed
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 5:55 am

Isnt it a tad too early to be speaking about this?

CE4 is coming out 2012 anyways.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 7:45 pm

Isnt it a tad too early to be speaking about this?

CE4 is coming out 2012 anyways.

We haven't even played crysis 2 or at least had a tasty demo of crysis 2. So why talk about crysis 3 in this thread when we haven't even experienced an inch of crysis 2 our selves.
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Melanie Steinberg
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 8:51 am

i guess that if earth falls like reach did, the next crysis will be in space(dead space! XD) where the humans will land on other planets to try and take over the planet.
BUT if earth doesn't falls, still will be the CELL, the organisation you can fight wis or against in multiplayer, maybe you will have to fight them, or other types of terrorists...
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Emily Shackleton
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 9:18 am

Crysis 3 will not be on earth.
Yeah I think Crysis 3 will probably set in some planet, home of the aliens that attack the earth.
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Beth Belcher
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 2:49 am

wait for crysis 3 about 3 years in cryengine 4
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james kite
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 3:27 am

wait for crysis 3 about 3 years in cryengine 4
2 Years, CE4 is coming next year. Plus I bet Crytek Sofia and Ukraine would help with it being that they are just starting to grow.
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Benito Martinez
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 12:17 am

i think there will be unicorns in Crysis 3 and pink hippos in Crysis 4, EA said something about Crysis 4, 5 and 6.
Story of Crysis 3 continues Crysis 2 and as you know how that ended it will be an interesting story.
Alcatraz and Mary are settling down and already have 2 kids but now comes the hard part, should he marry Mary or hit it on with sluty Jenny? And then suddenly it gets worse, a midlife crysis, and Alcatraz buys a ferrari.
Mary leaves him and Jenny is found dead, overdose. WTF will happens next? Thats the story of Crysis 4.
In Crysis 4 we will see his senior years where he is fighting AIDS and death. He meets Nomad and they go to Miami to get laid but get robbed and get in some other trouble.
And then...BAAAM!!...EA presents...Crysis 5: Afterlife! where you are dead and have gone to hell but there is a way out, by killing satan and his demons.
Will there be Crysis 6 and will aliens...i mean Mary return?
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Kevin S
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 7:22 am

I would like a Crysis 3 but Crysis 2 is basically unlinked to Crysis 1 (judging from the current information)
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benjamin corsini
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 9:07 pm

wait for crysis 3 about 3 years in cryengine 4
2 Years, CE4 is coming next year. Plus I bet Crytek Sofia and Ukraine would help with it being that they are just starting to grow.

Where are you getting your info from? Link?

Crytek has already said that the CryEngine 4 will not be released until the next console generation, which could be the end of 2012 or 2015 for all we know.
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 12:14 am

Let me preface this with I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THE STORY FOR CRYSIS 3 IS.

Now i'm going to call it early, Crysis 1 was the Nanosuit, Crysis 2 perfected the soldier in the Nanosuit, Crysis 3....

A Nanosuit for your Nanosuit. How could it not be.
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David John Hunter
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 5:47 am

Let me preface this with I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THE STORY FOR CRYSIS 3 IS.

Now i'm going to call it early, Crysis 1 was the Nanosuit, Crysis 2 perfected the soldier in the Nanosuit, Crysis 3....

A Nanosuit for your Nanosuit. How could it not be.

Crysis 3...the alien soldier :D
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 6:30 pm

nop, as i said, Crysis 3: The Midlife Crysis
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 5:28 am

Well when I think about it:

Crysis 1 was set in a time when the aliens weren't really known, it was just a simple mission.

Crysis 2 now is set a few years on from Crysis 1, and I believe that with NYC being the aliens target of mass destruction, New York will be hit the worst. However, in my humble view, everyone will most likely survive, for now.

Crysis 3 will be set in a post-apocalyptic setting. Since the aliens look like they've all come to earth in huge numbers, I believe that it will end up like a Fallout-esque setting (Without nukes being the main point). It's all about survival, but the hopelessness you see around you sends a strong feeling to the player that this is what it must be like in hell, or something. :P

I could see Crysis 2 having a sequel, where the "Adapt, Engage, Survive" slogan can be used greatly.

But yeah, my two cents.
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Holli Dillon
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 2:43 am

My theori is before crysis3 it will come out something like crysis2warhead ore other episodes from crysis2 who knows maybe psycho or nomad are there and fight in New York in a different lacation during the same period alcatras :D
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Dawn Porter
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 8:40 am

New York isn't the worst hit. They are all over the place... rfom what its on the final cutscenes. New York was just one of the cities that was going to be hit. It was their HQ that was beneath new york. But they got plenty of other just as big in other cities.
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John Moore
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 4:02 am

My theori is before crysis3 it will come out something like crysis2warhead ore other episodes from crysis2 who knows maybe psycho or nomad are there and fight in New York in a different lacation during the same period alcatras :D

well, i think even crytek would have big problems to make a paralel version of crysis 2. the biggest thing is, you are the onliest soldier with nanosuit (2). and i dont think psycho still alive, about nomad i dont know. in game runs a video about a dialog between prophet and haregreave. prophet says something like "... you knew thah the nanosuit is symbitoik... you send my team to death" ( just translated into english, cause played only in turkish and german, sure not translated perfect). the question is,why raptor is dead but prophet is alive although the suit changes rules? this scene is mystic for me:D the onliest thing i understand is, that the suit has prophets character. i didnt understand the scence where alcatraz meets prophet but i think the suit has "assimilated" alcatrazs body, this is why he says end of story "my name is prophet". thats what i understood it and cause this i cant imagine how crytek can make a paralel version of crysis2. anyway it ends with the last jump of alcatrazs, with what should have the paralel version a compatible end? this could be exciting how crytek would solve it

by crysis and crysis warhead was a appropriate parallelism (wasnt perfect but still ok).
+there are since crysis more nano-soldiers, same general, ice-sphere, container
-in crysis prophet and pycho are back with container to ship before nomad, in warhead nomad and prophet are back before psycho with the container

sure there will come someday crysis 3. afghanistan would be a good idea, especially then cause terorrists makes biologic weapons. maybe terorrists catch a alien and mutate it with a stronger virus,... and it would be good to set more nanosoldiers, so there is a possibility to make a paralel game of it :D but leaving earth and make space wars, i think its too early to jump in such story. first a few parts of earth should be rescued before thinking about space, and good passage from earth to space ( even then its evrybodys opinion if space story is cryteks typically thing, looks kinda star wars).

there is sure a work of planing a further game, they sure dont make holidays:D it doesnt wonder me if they already have a concept:D

what i would like better:
-custom settings of difficult, so you can set players and enemies properties.
-airstomp available without a module
-possibility to define the design of the suit ((multi-)color, signs (maybe drawing own signs, letters,...).
-enter your name in compatible language:D

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Stephanie Valentine
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 6:33 pm

Alcatraz gets alien DNA?
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Roy Harris
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