My theori is before crysis3 it will come out something like crysis2warhead ore other episodes from crysis2 who knows maybe psycho or nomad are there and fight in New York in a different lacation during the same period alcatras

well, i think even crytek would have big problems to make a paralel version of crysis 2. the biggest thing is, you are the onliest soldier with nanosuit (2). and i dont think psycho still alive, about nomad i dont know. in game runs a video about a dialog between prophet and haregreave. prophet says something like "... you knew thah the nanosuit is symbitoik... you send my team to death" ( just translated into english, cause played only in turkish and german, sure not translated perfect). the question is,why raptor is dead but prophet is alive although the suit changes rules? this scene is mystic for me:D the onliest thing i understand is, that the suit has prophets character. i didnt understand the scence where alcatraz meets prophet but i think the suit has "assimilated" alcatrazs body, this is why he says end of story "my name is prophet". thats what i understood it and cause this i cant imagine how crytek can make a paralel version of crysis2. anyway it ends with the last jump of alcatrazs, with what should have the paralel version a compatible end? this could be exciting how crytek would solve it
by crysis and crysis warhead was a appropriate parallelism (wasnt perfect but still ok).
+there are since crysis more nano-soldiers, same general, ice-sphere, container
-in crysis prophet and pycho are back with container to ship before nomad, in warhead nomad and prophet are back before psycho with the container
sure there will come someday crysis 3. afghanistan would be a good idea, especially then cause terorrists makes biologic weapons. maybe terorrists catch a alien and mutate it with a stronger virus,... and it would be good to set more nanosoldiers, so there is a possibility to make a paralel game of it

but leaving earth and make space wars, i think its too early to jump in such story. first a few parts of earth should be rescued before thinking about space, and good passage from earth to space ( even then its evrybodys opinion if space story is cryteks typically thing, looks kinda star wars).
there is sure a work of planing a further game, they sure dont make holidays:D it doesnt wonder me if they already have a concept:D
what i would like better:
-custom settings of difficult, so you can set players and enemies properties.
-airstomp available without a module
-possibility to define the design of the suit ((multi-)color, signs (maybe drawing own signs, letters,...).
-enter your name in compatible language:D