» Tue Feb 01, 2011 3:06 am
11 hours? WTF!!!
I took my time with the SP. Moved slow, sniped, silent killed a lot. Watched all cutscenes.
My Stats are 4H40 min.
So i ask how the fck can someone play teh SP for more than 6 hours?
What are you guys doing? Running a few meters. Sit in a corner doing nothing for 10 minutes or so, make coffee, run a few more meters, go make a sandvich, shoot some bad guys, park in a corner, talk to friends on the phone telling them how awesome this game is. Shoot more people, park in a corner, go take a crap.
Then sure i can understand 6 hours.
On what difficulty? If it was normal or below, then in 4 hours you ran through the game cause on the lower difficulties, you are almost invincible against a barrage of gunfire. If its on Hard or higher, then you are a gaming lord, cause there are a lot! lol