Crysis PC streamline controls

Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 4:30 am

So after seeing the Original game being ported onto consoles, I had an idea; since the PC Nanosuit controls were not what you call "graceful", I decided to do bit of tweaking myself in the actionmaps.xml file, because I found that the Crysis 2 style controls were better in-game than the originals.

So far I managed to enable armor with E (like in Crysis 2), Cloak with Q (like in Crysis 2) bu 2 things remain; how to set Max Strength as default suit mode and how to temporarily activate Maximum Speed (i.e. hold Shift, Max Speed, let go of Shift, revert to Max Strength).

So my questions is, can you help me on this?
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kevin ball
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