» Tue Feb 15, 2011 6:20 pm
Crysis Wars? I mean, I agree that Crysis 2 is kind of a dissapointment ( I got the game on release date). The MP is just so COD-like and the single player kind of disregards the events of the orginal Crysis( not to mention the visuals are underwhelming). I decided to install Crysis wars again to remember the good times I had playing online, but most of the servers are empty. I mean, you can barely fine 3 or 4 servers with some people. C'mon guys, go back to Wars!
They have, most people went back to it's single-player. Others went back to whatever they played before not necessarily Crysis Wars. Myself, I never even let go of TF2 and after beating the SP of C2, I've been increasingly going back to it more and more.
@ ksyonyss: that game is trash, on it's own it would be a nice MP but since it has the Battlefield title on it, it needs to meet much higher standards, wich it doesn't. There you can clearly see the console influence on the gameplay of a typical PC franchise (aside from C2), we went from a tactical large-scale shooter to a COD meatgrinder with vehicles. And it hands-down has the worst hitreg on the entire FPS genre since it's inception. Thank god it's the sequel to the console spin-off of BF games, and not to the main franchise. Bring on BF3...