» Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:55 am
It's tragicomic the MP, disregarding it's issues, is the only decent aspect in C2, too.
So you're implying that the single player is crap? With the EPIC soundtrack, good story, excellent play-how-you-want gameplay with replayability, and best DX9 graphics (soon to have DX11 too)?
Go **** yourself, troll. The multiplayer is just icing to the cake really. Good thing for me, the icing is **** delicious and there's lots of it.
It's pretty funny how you love-threaders call everyone trolls, who's opinions (unintentionally) hurts you. Yes, I am implying the SP is crap, but am not offended if you can get so much out of so little and are able to completely disregard much of it's shortcomings, listed plenty of times in this forum. Maybe you have some subconscious issues about the SP yourself, since you have such a strong defensive reaction towards anyone who disagrees, hmm?
Edit: My argument against the SP in short: Killing randomly scattered braindead soldiers and aliens while running from point a to b is not that interesting tbh. EPIC? Replay value, good story, etc? Maybe to some, alright.