» Tue Aug 23, 2011 12:04 pm
Mr. Blacknish aka "big boobied avatar,"
Please tell me the point of this. Are you asking that we stay on and play to save Crysis2 and secure a third one is made for consoles?
If so, I'm not sure why. Crytek and specifically Crytek UK has shown us nothing but disrespect. They deserve to lose our attention on Sept 20. We have given them every opportunity to right this ship, and many of us wasted an additional $20 on DLC content which has become a barren wasteland, so why should you, or anyone try to save Crysis 2, when it's clear they have committed suicide (/ collected uber sums of monies and deposited said funds in Swiss banks)?
What might be an answer, is this: Crytek got their game published by EA, which is known of putting deadlines to short, so they don't have lots of time to fix it.
And on that notice, the game was crappy, then Crytek had some humiliating attemps to fix some issues, but that didn't work out.
So i think EA Tied their hands for the consoles, and gave the PC gamers the Hi res Textures they wanted so badly.
Because with Battlefield 3 coming, they will recieve the frustraded Crysis players with open arms.
NOTE: again this is a speculation of mine, correct me if im wrong, but please try not to troll ^.^
Happy Gaming
Ceph Nightmare