» Fri Feb 18, 2011 8:31 pm
I was a strong advocate for keeping the feel of the original game, but, honestly, Crysis 2 feels better in a majority of ways. The entire time information was put out, I disregarded Crysis 2 as a failed consolized version of the amazing first game and its spin-offs, and in some senses, it is, but it is much, much better in many aspects. The story, which I thought would be -bad-, is absolutely amazing. I'm about 60% of the way through.
Speed and Strength are integrated into a passive, 'Power Mode.' Running toggles speed (not nearly as fast as speed in the original, or as slow as sprinting without speed in the original), holding jump does a power jump, and running and holding does a running power jump. You can also kick cars, which seems all but completely useless. Something I thought I'd like but I wish was more in depth is a stat/power system. When you kill aliens, you get points to spend on powers/talents. There's 3 in 4 categories. The first ranks of every category are very cheap, and they go up, with the most expensive one being 14,000 IIRC, which means you'd have to kill 140 standard aliens.
The AI is lacking. I've seen AI run into corners, and not get out of turrets when I was right behind turret gunners killing their squad. Then, at other times, it was absolutely fantastic and impressing. I guess it's hit or miss.
Sniping is so much fun. You can no longer put a scope on any gun and make it single shot anymore, though. :[
All in all, from my experience, the Singleplayer is around a 9.5 and the multiplayer is a 5-8. I haven't really played it that much to know, but for the 30 or so minutes I played, one of the games was very laggy with poor hit detection, so I switched servers, and the other, well, I mean, the new nanosuit doesn't fit multiplayer well. Honestly, Crysis and Crysis: Wars wasn't even that good, but Crysis 2 is a slower paced mix that looks like it's trying to integrate elements of Call of Duty 4, Halo, and Gears all into it, with the majority influences being Call of Duty 4, the largest obvious influence, followed by Halo, followed by Gears of War.
Get it for singleplayer. Chances are, if you're posting on this forum, you prefer a good singleplayer to a good multiplayer game anyways. I got the Maximum Edition for the PC. I don't regret a thing.