Crysis 2: The Importance of a Demo - for all Platforms

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:40 am

So Crytek has finalized their Multiplayer component based on just the Xbox360, no PlayStation 3 or PC testing has any input to their final decisions and last minute altercations? The MP is doomed then, atleast from the release until a couple patches come out, and by then a bad impression will be on the game and a dead community like past games.

You talk about making the game more familiar before jumping to unknown territory, yet that is exactly what Crytek has done!

They have gutted this game from 16on16 large scale multi-environmental vehicular multiplayer to a 6on6 fragfest in the inner-city. :(

I understand your concern on Crysis 2 Mp, and I know that a single test won't prove anything in the long run. But have faith in Crysis 2. Don't leave it to perish.

Even if you leave Crysis 2, I won't.
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Kelvin Diaz
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:47 am

I'm really sorry likon and black_angel, Im no spammer and I just want to give crysis 2 a test run as early as possible. crysis 2 will be worth anything just not leaving it will do. If anyone does leave crysis 2 for some other game, that's just plain wrong.
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Jamie Moysey
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:18 pm

Translated: Your apology is meaningless to what is at hand. Stopping now will ensure the fall of a grandeur game.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:03 am

Matey, I support your post. Its what we need right now :D
To Be Frank,

There are some valid and deserving points raised, there is also some nonsense withtin the thread, and clearly, lots of spam, this kinda thread will always rally the spammers unfortunatly, however, its concerning to see some are willing to boycott the game, or are on the border of betrayal.

This does suprise me, we are collectively supposed to represent the hardcoe fanbase of Crytek and the Crysis series, so far, and as far as I can tell, Crytek and the forum Representatives, have done anything and everything to please us as far as is possible.

Yes they have had to work within set constraint and guiding factors, that are in some cases beyond thier control, but all this time they have still done all they can to appease the screaming mob that is spammers and insulters, and ungratefull forum members, though happily those are few,

They have also done all in thier power to keep the rest of us happy as much as they can, again its impossible to meet all the growing demands at times, however, its clear to me that all is being done that can be done, I am a very keen fan, I dont need a Demo/Beta, to be convinced that I want the game,
though it would be nice it is not a demand.

I pre-ordered the Nano Ed from EA, as soon as was possible, this will be my collectors ed, I also pre-ordered the Limited Ed, from Game to collect and play from day one, this way i can play from the off, and it dont matter that the Nano, has a 10 day shipping at all to me.

All things considered, i am very keen to get my hands on Crysis 2 and get down to some seriouse gaming, and I know that i will not be at all dissapointed based on previouse experience. its my own opinion to wich i am entitled, and i have no wish to upset anyone by sharing it, but i do wish that some members would see the whole of the big picture,

You can please all the ppl some of the time
And some of the ppl all of the time
but no one can please all of the ppl all of the time

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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:09 am

I support the bringing in of a demo here in florida me friends play crysis
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Queen of Spades
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:46 am

@ the 2 back post, i agree, but the demo isnt SOLELY about pleasing the rabble, although it would help.
it is also about marketing, so crytek makes more money and can spend more on Crysis 3.

just pointing it out :P
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Sam Parker
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:22 pm

Recent activity has transpired according to the purpose of this thread and ... against. It's now a matter of our decisions now. Its purpose is to both help and bring-up the overwhelming power that is Crysis 2. Thanks for all the recent support everyone.

If you're reading this, then your part of this.
This is Black_Angel 6.66, fighting for a C2 demo
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Mandi Norton
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:06 am

@ the 2 back post, i agree, but the demo isnt SOLELY about pleasing the rabble, although it would help.
it is also about marketing, so crytek makes more money and can spend more on Crysis 3.

just pointing it out :P

So true, it should not be for the sole purpose of pleasing its players. But it also has marketing strategy hidden along the lines. What is Crytek going to do about this?
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Shirley BEltran
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:07 pm

Translated: EA, what have you done. Crytek, I know your just waiting for the opportune time to unleash. Don't be afraid.
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Lilit Ager
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:33 am

@ the 2 back post, i agree, but the demo isnt SOLELY about pleasing the rabble, although it would help.
it is also about marketing, so crytek makes more money and can spend more on Crysis 3.

just pointing it out :P

Still supporting for the sake of the thread. So I support this posters idea.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:54 pm

To Be Frank,

There are some valid and deserving points raised, there is also some nonsense withtin the thread, and clearly, lots of spam, this kinda thread will always rally the spammers unfortunatly, however, its concerning to see some are willing to boycott the game, or are on the border of betrayal.

This does suprise me, we are collectively supposed to represent the hardcoe fanbase of Crytek and the Crysis series, so far, and as far as I can tell, Crytek and the forum Representatives, have done anything and everything to please us as far as is possible.

Yes they have had to work within set constraint and guiding factors, that are in some cases beyond thier control, but all this time they have still done all they can to appease the screaming mob that is spammers and insulters, and ungratefull forum members, though happily those are few,

They have also done all in thier power to keep the rest of us happy as much as they can, again its impossible to meet all the growing demands at times, however, its clear to me that all is being done that can be done, I am a very keen fan, I dont need a Demo/Beta, to be convinced that I want the game,
though it would be nice it is not a demand.

I pre-ordered the Nano Ed from EA, as soon as was possible, this will be my collectors ed, I also pre-ordered the Limited Ed, from Game to collect and play from day one, this way i can play from the off, and it dont matter that the Nano, has a 10 day shipping at all to me.

All things considered, i am very keen to get my hands on Crysis 2 and get down to some seriouse gaming, and I know that i will not be at all dissapointed based on previouse experience. its my own opinion to wich i am entitled, and i have no wish to upset anyone by sharing it, but i do wish that some members would see the whole of the big picture,

You can please all the ppl some of the time
And some of the ppl all of the time
but no one can please all of the ppl all of the time

This helped shed some light to certain things, it should be checked again every once in a while. This poster is truly amazing.
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A Lo RIkIton'ton
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:58 pm

I see, some of you guys are still showing some support to this and believe me when I say "Thanks for the support". But this is only a chance for now. Nothing official, so try to keep your hopes up.

We all need some time keep our heads at ease before the tension breaks. (That's only one of the reasons of my struggle.)

If you're reading this, then your part of this.
This is Black_Angel 6.66, fighting for a C2 demo
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Valerie Marie
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:33 pm

If I May Indulge,

so far as I understand from all that has been posted, i dont mean within this thread, i mean in regard to Beta/demo articles, this is the standpoint as I see it.

Some gamers seem to have assumed that Cryteck will do no more to support the release of the game, and that i believe, has not been said, since the closed Beta for Eggbox, many q's have been asked about a possible demo/beta for PS3/PC.

despite the frequent hostility toward Crytek in the Eggbox matter, the responses I have read to date, have been along the lines of, nothing has been ruled out at this time, we may run a demo/beta for other platforms, and you will be the first to know.

anthything that is decided will be postede here first on Now please dont quote me as being expeptional and precise, this is only a brief and rough to what I have percieved to be the case, since such posts were made we havnt heard much in that vain, and so it seems the doubters, (no fingers pointed) are creeping out of hiding again.

Some have Decided on behalf of Crytek what will happen now, as there is no time left for anything else to fit in the programme, or words to that effect, correct me if im wrong, im open to criticism, but CRYTEK didnt say anything like that as far as I know.

My point is the only reliable source of info on this site is an official representative of Crytek or this site, of course if you wish to follow speculation and conjecture then fine thats your bag, but its all too easy to be led by debbie downers, and a lack of facts, a demo/beta would be nice, and i believe that this may still happen, i have not had a chance to look thoroughly around the site for any info on this as yet today, but will later.

If I see a post regarding a Demo/Beta, being possible, or not, I will read it if posted by Crytek Staff or Admin, but if its an assumption based on a gamers feeling, you know what,,, i wont even read it, this kind of thing causes way too much speculation, and we do seem to have a number of sheep on this site.

This particular post was good and and i have respect for the postee, but it was only spoiled by the usual mob, again ( no names or finger pointing ), that at times seem intent on the downfall of Crysis 2, and would have you all believe, that Crytek is only interested in yr Dollars.

At day's end yes they have to make money, lots of it, How in the name of hell do people think Crytek got this far, simple answer, ( they made money ), on previouse games that they have sold to you and I, not so with the consoles, but you PC users/gamers, have said so many times how fantastic a product they have given us in the past.

Yes there has been some minor let downs, but compared to the largest companys, it boils down to nothing, they have done the very best that they can in the past and will continue to do so in the future, you PC gamers believed in them then, so whats up.

compare to BFBC2 with its numerouse patches - re-patches, glitches cock ups, downfalls, EA server disconnects, hell the list is endless, but i still play the damm thing as i like it as a fill in to the anticipated Crysis 2 release, look folks, im gettin all bent outa shape so ill shut up now.

thanks for reading

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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:30 am

I think that IF we are going to get a demo, we will find out with the next C2TV episode.
Its been "in the works" for so many months, they have to be putting something like that in it.

And also they say it will contain lots of new stuff, and there has been virtually zero official statements regarding a pc/ps3 demo, so it looks like it could happen, but im just being hopeful and optimistic....

I think we really need to wait for the next episode, THEN im gunna kick up a stink if we dont get a demo/beta, or the gameplay footage or story glimpse equivalent to them. i disagree with being kept in the dark, but i suppose Crytek is too busy for thier fans...

This had better be one hella good game!
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Jeremy Kenney
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:55 pm

I think that IF we are going to get a demo, we will find out with the next C2TV episode.
Its been "in the works" for so many months, they have to be putting something like that in it.

And also they say it will contain lots of new stuff, and there has been virtually zero official statements regarding a pc/ps3 demo, so it looks like it could happen, but im just being hopeful and optimistic....

I think we really need to wait for the next episode, THEN im gunna kick up a stink if we dont get a demo/beta, or the gameplay footage or story glimpse equivalent to them. i disagree with being kept in the dark, but i suppose Crytek is too busy for thier fans...

This had better be one hella good game!

From what I noticed lately, the c2Teli episode #4 is coming some time soon and you're correct that their is zero mention of a demo/beta so far. So it better be on that episode, and they are keeping us in the dark. So many promotions, ads and useless reviews of stuff we've already seen.

If all hell breaks loose, I'm leaving Crysis 2 for Killzone 3. At least they have Ps3 console demo!
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Beulah Bell
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:58 pm

I think that IF we are going to get a demo, we will find out with the next C2TV episode.
Its been "in the works" for so many months, they have to be putting something like that in it.

And also they say it will contain lots of new stuff, and there has been virtually zero official statements regarding a pc/ps3 demo, so it looks like it could happen, but im just being hopeful and optimistic....

I think we really need to wait for the next episode, THEN im gunna kick up a stink if we dont get a demo/beta, or the gameplay footage or story glimpse equivalent to them. i disagree with being kept in the dark, but i suppose Crytek is too busy for thier fans...

This had better be one hella good game!

From what I noticed lately, the c2Teli episode #4 is coming some time soon and you're correct that their is zero mention of a demo/beta so far. So it better be on that episode, and they are keeping us in the dark. So many promotions, ads and useless reviews of stuff we've already seen.

If all hell breaks loose, I'm leaving Crysis 2 for Killzone 3. At least they have Ps3 console demo!
exactly what i say about if I dont get, i will leave?????

i dont see point, its like gimme freebie or im gone.

damm that attitude
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Bek Rideout
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:49 am


well usually if you hire someone to work for you and they dont live up to expectations, you warn them, then fire them. right?

same with this. if we are not impressed by something, we let crytek know about it. if it is not remedied, well.... we find somewhere that caters our needs
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:15 am

Just to be clear, and Pls. no more spam attacks.

I support Crytek and Crysis 2, and there is no real need for threats here. Were just not in the right position to demand anything until we have a truly valid reason. But if worst is to come, I can't stop some of you. Your all entitled to your opinion and choices whether supportive or negative. That's all I have to say. :)

I'll just stick with Crysis 2. :)
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Phillip Hamilton
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:25 am

I think that IF we are going to get a demo, we will find out with the next C2TV episode.
Its been "in the works" for so many months, they have to be putting something like that in it.

And also they say it will contain lots of new stuff, and there has been virtually zero official statements regarding a pc/ps3 demo, so it looks like it could happen, but im just being hopeful and optimistic....

I think we really need to wait for the next episode, THEN im gunna kick up a stink if we dont get a demo/beta, or the gameplay footage or story glimpse equivalent to them. i disagree with being kept in the dark, but i suppose Crytek is too busy for thier fans...

This had better be one hella good game!

From what I noticed lately, the c2Teli episode #4 is coming some time soon and you're correct that their is zero mention of a demo/beta so far. So it better be on that episode, and they are keeping us in the dark. So many promotions, ads and useless reviews of stuff we've already seen.

If all hell breaks loose, I'm leaving Crysis 2 for Killzone 3. At least they have Ps3 console demo!
exactly what i say about if I dont get, i will leave?????

i dont see point, its like gimme freebie or im gone.

damm that attitude

My attitude sweetheart is just a piece of my mind, Killzone 2 didn't have any problems with giving their fans and players real support. Crytek made this site for us, but they've become too suspicious, too secretive and too untrustworthy. Im just letting this out.

When you make a promise, your suppose to keep it.

Remember this

And this?
Will there be a full beta/demo for Crysis 2 at a later time?
We currently do not have plans for a large-scale beta, but as development of Crysis 2 continues we may evaluate the option at a later point. We will be certain to keep you informed on

Do I need to add more?
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Jessica Thomson
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:08 am


Calm down before you get yourself hurt. That is not the proper attitude needed right now.

I promised to be back, only when the demo/beta was made into a reality. Now I break my silence to calm this down and in the hopes that Crytek is reading. A demo is highly recommended and needed at this point in time. I've been watching all of you since the last 6 pages.
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Nicholas C
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:13 am

No need for the hostility guys :)

Anvaya, how would you suggest Crytek could better support you? For example, which promise are you speaking of?

Also, what exactly do you mean with the reference to the quote on the Beta?

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Svenja Hedrich
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:48 pm

No need for the hostility guys :)

Anvaya, how would you suggest Crytek could better support you? For example, which promise are you speaking of?

Also, what exactly do you mean with the reference to the quote on the Beta?


It was a small matter Cry-Adam and it should be handled with care just in case. And that person has a slight point to make, I just saw the video and Cevat Yerli did promise a few things like improvement to fan support and new developments. Maybe in that part of the video that person viewed as the so called promises.

Good luck ! And out !
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Daniel Lozano
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:23 am

No need for the hostility guys :)

Anvaya, how would you suggest Crytek could better support you? For example, which promise are you speaking of?

Also, what exactly do you mean with the reference to the quote on the Beta?


Just watch the video for this site by Cevat yerli' so many promises for development and few have been kept.

Will there be a full beta/demo for Crysis 2 at a later time?
We currently do not have plans for a large-scale beta, but as development of Crysis 2 continues we may evaluate the option at a later point. We will be certain to keep you informed on

This point is so late already and development has been going so great lately. Were is the tid of an evaluation for a beta/demo thats really in need.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:06 am

No need for the hostility guys :)

Anvaya, how would you suggest Crytek could better support you? For example, which promise are you speaking of?

Also, what exactly do you mean with the reference to the quote on the Beta?


Just watch the video for this site by Cevat yerli' so many promises for development and few have been kept.

Will there be a full beta/demo for Crysis 2 at a later time?
We currently do not have plans for a large-scale beta, but as development of Crysis 2 continues we may evaluate the option at a later point. We will be certain to keep you informed on

This point is so late already and development has been going so great lately. Were is the tid of an evaluation for a beta/demo thats really in need.

Wait for Episode 4 for Beta/Demo information.

And Cevat Yerli has promised many things before, a companies situation can change in an instant and it is not always a "piece of cake" to keep up on all the promises he made back in June. Since then the game has been delayed, a test was done on the Xbox360, multiplayer footage has been shown along with revealing FOUR multiplayer maps already, and THREE gamemodes (TIA, CTF, CS)... In reference to what Yerli promised, I think that Crytek has actually done quite well with their promises so far.
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Mr. Ray
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:06 am

lol the only way too shut up everyone is if crytek announces a beta/demo once and for all
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