This is a point that was made quite early in this thread by another user some time ago. Yet, your post is quite the point. Why would you spend $60 on a game, if you yourself, knows nothing about it. (Suddenly getting memories of SC2). Nor an idea or feeling of this new type of gameplay for Crysis 2. Thanks for pointing this out in your post (hark).
Remember farcry 2? If that game had a demo, many people didn′t buy it...
I went one night and rented that game. I had high hopes for it but I was completely let down. Ever since Crytek sold the series to Ubisoft it's been garbage.
I enjoyed Far Cry 2, you just have to keep in mind that it is completely different from the original and it can be lots of fun.

I use it more as a benchmark to test my overclocks nowadays though.