You're not helping any. This thread should reach 50+ pages come February and BTW, Crytek can't change the 6v6 now because all the maps are already 6v6 size and could not be changed for release even if they wanted to.

Another issue that was slightly addressed, the 6 versus 6 Mp feature was made in a good thread that reached about 35 pages to be exact just two weeks ago yet it was made during august. Plus feb. is coming soon, there was a mention by certain Crytek reps and devs in another thread in the News & Assets section about news news and media.

Yeah, and I am sure that 6on6 flame threads will be quite numerous come release date when people are dissatisfied. Just like a demo is the hot topic right now, the 6on6 topic will be hot again once people get an experience of it, good or bad.