Crysis 2: The Importance of a Demo - for all Platforms

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:51 am

Your right there, somewhat, yet a Pc and Ps3 demo may seem far from our sights. (it will probably be available soon). For now, let the Xbox 360 owners have some fun. It's doesn't completely mean that their wont be a Pc and Ps3 demo at all.

You seem overly confident that there will be a PC/PS3 demo, im not so confident as it didnt happen with the alpha test either
you have any evidence to substantiate that there will be a demo soon?

I'm only clinging to hope and faith in Crytek. My only speculation to prove this is, first the existence of a demo and how quickly it took them to finish it. I mean, I originally speculated it to be around February, but not late January. A gamer/tester can hope. :)

Totally agreeing to this, it's never too late. This is just a crytek style of delaying tactics too, keeping us pc users really anxious till the next demo.
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Bryanna Vacchiano
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:25 pm

The proper perception on business transactions such as these seen lately for Crysis 2 is a new experience to consoles and there is a lot of uncertainty of how it will make the jump from Maxed out Pc's to consoles. We know the Pc version will be the best, but how good are the console versions going to be? This gives EA a chance to show the console gamers by showing off this new game, and hopefully turning some major sales on the 360. (leaving the Ps3 gamers some clout) Though you think its the time for sarcasm, it really isn't.

EA does what they want to with the game not Crytek for some peculiar reason and we have no right/control over the decisions they make.They don't care about what the PC players "deserve" or not. They care about sales. It's business as usual. :|
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Alister Scott
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:12 am

No matter what happens, this thread and its topic will remain true to the Pc gamers, Ps3 gamers and Xbox 36o gamers alike as best as it can. Thus, let's try to continue this discussion as best as what we can and hope for the future of a Crysis 2 demo for other platforms. The more and more piling reasons on this thread alone are astounding. As it still continues to grow each passing day. The future may not be certain for us, but there is no fate but what we make.
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Katharine Newton
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:21 am

I'm sick of hoping. I've been hoping since the game was announced. I knew there was going to be trouble when it was announced as a multiplatform game, but I thought it might be different with Crytek. After all, everything from them up until now has been a PC exclusive. I thought that they wouldn't snub their fans. Guess I was wrong.

Crytek and EA need to put up or shut up. It's one thing to focus on the Xbox 360, but all those statements they made before about wanting the experience to be equal on all platforms and how the PC version wouldn't be hindered is pure **** and incredibly insulting to our intelligence.
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oliver klosoff
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:00 am

No matter what happens, this thread and its topic will remain true to the Pc gamers, Ps3 gamers and Xbox 36o gamers alike as best as it can. Thus, let's try to continue this discussion as best as what we can and hope for the future of a Crysis 2 demo for other platforms. The more and more piling reasons on this thread alone are astounding. As it still continues to grow each passing day. The future may not be certain for us, but there is no fate but what we make.

crysis 2 = 360 game dressed up as multiplatform.

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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:59 am

I completely feel Crytek has PISSED on The PC Community that started them today

I had planed pre order unless I see a pc demo I will wait till this game is in the bargain bin for $19.99

Seeing how many great titles are releasing this year that wont be 6 months nor will it matter as i will have tons of other games to play
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Alexx Peace
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:25 am

This, right today, is the reason the PC version won't top 1m sales. Don't blame piracy again crytek, you ballsed it up big time. There is only ONE first person shooter from EA this year, and that's battlefield 3.
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Louise Andrew
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:49 am

Cmon. If DNF is happening so can a Crysis 2 demo for all three plats. EA just needs a few whacks to the head to clear their minds...
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Rhi Edwards
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:58 pm

Cmon. If DNF is happening so can a Crysis 2 demo for all three plats. EA just needs a few whacks to the head to clear their minds...

If it was EA, explain why companies like DICE and Bioware are being good to the PC community? Dragon age 2 has dx11 and bad company 2 is a very well supported PC game and, especially considering it was originally the console version of battlefield, plus the PC is far and away the lead platform for bf3.

This is all crytek.
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Jamie Lee
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:41 am

Where is the pc demo?

Didn’t this game boast being the premier pc graphics game the bar all other pc titles should be measured by >?

You release a single platform demo not for pc

EA and Microsoft two people I wouldn’t help if they where getting raqed in a dark ally

I think Microsoft just made Halo stronger and proved the people at Crytek are greedy idiots who alienated there biggest community for a few dollas from Microsoft
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Alan Cutler
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:47 am

Where is the pc demo?

Didn’t this game boast being the premier pc graphics game the bar all other pc titles should be measured by >?

You release a single platform demo not for pc

EA and Microsoft two people I wouldn’t help if they where getting raqed in a dark ally

I think Microsoft just made Halo stronger and proved the people at Crytek are greedy idiots who alienated there biggest community for a few dollas from Microsoft

Pity that said community is pretty huge too. Valve have reported that sales of PC games via steam have outstripped their retail since 2008. Left 4 dead sold around 3m copies on PC at retail in 2008, go figure where that puts PC sales. Never mind the steam sales on that game (by this point l4d has bound to have sold around 15 million copies on PC - by 2008 hl2 had sold 13m copies on PC alone for example).

(It's a lot, more than halo reach at least, and at triple the profit per sale on digital versions)
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Krystal Wilson
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:25 am

Where is the pc demo?

Didn’t this game boast being the premier pc graphics game the bar all other pc titles should be measured by >?

You release a single platform demo not for pc

EA and Microsoft two people I wouldn’t help if they where getting raqed in a dark ally

I think Microsoft just made Halo stronger and proved the people at Crytek are greedy idiots who alienated there biggest community for a few dollas from Microsoft

That's bloody true, even to the gut.
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Stephy Beck
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:04 pm

I was very excited when Crysis 2 was first announced. A later bit, I hear about only 6 vs 6 players in multiplayer, no vehicles in multiplayer, no lean, no prone, and less control over suit functions among other things. My confidence in Crytek was shaking at that point, but still, I was still bloody eager to get it in my hands to prove them wrong. I was having my doubts, though.

As time passes by, I see that only the Xbox 360 version is being shown.Now it's clear to me that Crytek and/or EA don't give a crap about PC gamers. So why should I pay them with my money? Unless this situation is rectified, I'll be waiting until the game strikes back with a Pc and PS3 demo. Crytek!
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Laurenn Doylee
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:52 am

No matter what happens, this thread and its topic will remain true to the Pc gamers, Ps3 gamers and Xbox 36o gamers alike as best as it can. Thus, let's try to continue this discussion as best as what we can and hope for the future of a Crysis 2 demo for other platforms. The more and more piling reasons on this thread alone are astounding. As it still continues to grow each passing day. The future may not be certain for us, but there is no fate but what we make.

We'll hopefully get a single player demo for all platforms. Me and Pc and Ps3 gamers have got better games ahead. We'll be enjoying Deus ex 3 and Ps3 users will finally get the wonder of what a true game truly is outside of crappy Microsoft restrictions and hopefully get lots of gameplay too!
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:58 pm

From all the threads about a demo I've been reading and browsing. This one is definitely the best one I have found, while everyone else is making new threads with the same info inside this one?

I'll promise to support this one instead.

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Jeneene Hunte
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:50 am

No matter what happens, this thread and its topic will remain true to the Pc gamers, Ps3 gamers and Xbox 36o gamers alike as best as it can. Thus, let's try to continue this discussion as best as what we can and hope for the future of a Crysis 2 demo for other platforms. The more and more piling reasons on this thread alone are astounding. As it still continues to grow each passing day. The future may not be certain for us, but there is no fate but what we make.

We'll hopefully get a single player demo for all platforms. Me and Pc and Ps3 gamers have got better games ahead. We'll be enjoying Deus ex 3 and Ps3 users will finally get the wonder of what a true game truly is outside of crappy Microsoft restrictions and hopefully get lots of gameplay too!

There may not be a Pc demo of Crysis 2 right now. But it shouldn't end there.
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Rhiannon Jones
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:19 am

Hey everyone.

I'd like ask Crytek, why they didn't think about to release demo on PC. Those who get preorder of crysis 2 should have access to play beta test or demo. Why we, the honest players who are waiting for the next four years are deprived of the opportunity to test the game. Is it really so good Crytek confident that puts the game in hand ready to Xbox 360 owners in advance of the players on the PC ? Crytek don't think about what the error committed with Rockstar Games and Grand Theft Auto IV. Are we going to have to deal with the game fully well polished. Without bugs, errors ? Do we really create a good game, you have to rely only on the graphics ? Looks about crysis 1. There was beta test. Thanks to players who played in the beta able to share the opinion that still does not fit. Thanks to this final version was really good. So I really would like to say that Crytek rethink the matter on to release a beta or demo for the PC gamers.

Best regards, FuZzZzzz
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Nicholas C
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:31 pm

As time passes by, I see that only the Xbox 360 version is being shown.Now it's clear to me that Crytek and/or EA don't give a crap about PC gamers. So why should I pay them with my money? Unless this situation is rectified, I'll be waiting until the game strikes back with a Pc and PS3 demo. Crytek!

The reason why they show xbox only is because its the worst version(altough worst doesnt mean its bad), they show the weakest version so that PS3/PC dont get dissapointed in graphics(which prob would havehappened if they showed PC only)

still thats no excuse not to bring a PC/PS3 demo
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:17 am

The need for Pc and Ps3 demo is far more well sought for than ever before. The recent exclusive xbox 360 demo fiasco is something that most of us will never forget. It was one of the most dramatic events in the history of Crysis 2 and Crytek for generations to come. Yet the struggle for a Pc and Ps3 demo will not end here, the fate that we have now is only a temporary setback. I still have faith in Crytek, but it's shaking. The once great Crysis that changed Hd gaming will return again to the Pc powers and share its power with the ps3 & consoles alike.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:25 am

I think Cevat said a while back that there might be paid demos. My guess is that M$ paid for people on gold to be able to play the game early. I doubt nvidia/sony would pay to have PC/ps3 players play early.
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Bethany Watkin
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:22 am

Does someone know when will the PC demo be available?
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Javier Borjas
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:40 pm

Xbox 360 = biggest available market. Add bonusses they presumably get from Microsoft and the deal/management decision is perfectly logical. 3 Demos are more work to do than 1, even if you have a multiplatform engine. The servers have to run great aswell, lag could kill the impression people get from the demo.

I'd sure be glad to see a PC demo, preferrably part of a Singleplayer mission.

But first of all I'm not buying any games before or on release anyway. I wait for reviews and more gameplay footage. By the time I buy a game I already know I'm going to like it.
And secondly demos are not even a sure sign of final quality. Couple years back I bought Test Drive Unlimited because the demo was breathtakingly awesome. The final game disappointed me, I didn't feel like witnessing a realistic island with fellow drivers anymore, it was just a half-decent racing MMO. Maybe the aiming or graphical filters be a little different in the final game and 360 users will be the ones complaining while both the other platforms are happy with what they got. Or the PC controls and the graphics on PS3 will svck and the 360 users will be the least disappointed ;-)

Who knows at this point - let's just let it play out. Hours ago I was sure there would never be a demo at all, just now I have returned to a place with internet access and watched the, imo, VERY promising trailer. About the Halo comparison: Invisibility and ground punching special attacks are exceptional moments in Halo, here they will be core mechanics. The gameplay will feel totally different as far as I can tell.

Graphics and physics are much more realistic and versatile, the maps offer a nice variety aswell! Everything about this trailer is a positive surprise to me, but I know I have it easy as I own a 360. Didn't get into the Alpha test, was disappointed just like all the people who don't get a demo now. In the end you'll all find out whether the game is what you want to play and either enjoy it or look for something else. I really don't get the riot that's going on here.
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Charles Weber
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:45 pm

360 is definitely the biggest competetive multiplayer fps market :) but PC is the biggest actual market. Considering that PC sales via steam are likely 4-5 times that retail by this point (it was equal in 2008 for at least valve).
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Timara White
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:27 pm

What confuses me about an Xbox exclusive demo, isn't that they are alienating the other two platforms, as this has happened before, but is that of all markets, they alienate the PC. If they want to be one of 'the best' first person shooters of all time, one of the games all other games will have to try and measure up to, they should focus on the PC platform above all. Not only are graphics far superior on the PC, and have the limitless potential graphics-wise, the PC also isn't limited by a controller, and other boundaries. The Xbox is limited by a controller, and often times games give Xbox players help with aiming, the PC isn't like this. You might argue the PC has hackers, but...Don't all platforms? I don't think I need to go on with examples of how the PC is the better platform for an FPS like this, and better to be catered to than the Xbox, though I am a firm believer that all platforms should receive equal attention. Just look at the all the great first person shooters on the PC, the early CoD series, the early Medal of Honor series, Quake 3 Arena, Counter Strike, Counter Strike: Source, and the list goes on.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:15 am

It is an Fps type platform, and the Pc was it's first on site. There has to be some kind of long term support shown to it at this point. The only mystery was why a console exclusive when it's for all three platforms. They had the time, what could have kept this from happening.
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