» Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:04 pm
Honestly I'm just glad to see a demo to begin with. I do have to say though, their choice of system is terrible. It's hard to market games on the PS3 because Sony doesn't have panels all over that scream "Buy Me!!" like the Xbox. So the demo should've been on PS3, because as I've seen only Call of Duty and PS3 exclusives ever take off. Games like Battlefield had extensive beta and demo launching on the PS3 and that's the only reason it survived so long.
The PC should have been the first if not the exclusive choice for a demo from any standpoint. I'd prefer it on PS3 simply because I play on PS3, but the PC community has been faithful, not to mention the core of the Crysis franchise. I think it's almost blasphemous to see the PC community neglected so much.
Anyone can say "oh well it's on Xbox" but when the online community dwindles and many more well known companies bring out their games, Crysis won't make it. It might survive on it's flagship 360 but nothing else.
For those who don't know any major games coming out I'll list a few:
Killzone 3 - PS3
Bulletstorm - Xbox 360, PS3, PC
Brink - Xbox 360, PS3, PC
Homefront (skeptical but maybe a heavy hitter) - Xbox 360, PS3, PC
F3AR - Xbox 360, PS3, PC
And that's only a few games hitting late winter/early fall. So if Crytek wants any recognition outside of this community they have some ball-busting work to do.