Crysis 2: The Importance of a Demo - for all Platforms

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:27 am

Knock Knock, Crytek. Our Community and the Demo Dilemma by Talon95 is mainly about Lack of Information.
This here, is the thread to release your concerns about how the Crytek marketing of Crysis 2 has been over the last 18 months, and especially the demo which has set off this tidal wave. I myself, will do my best to go into detail about the demo dilemma and the underlying pent up frustration with marketing as a whole.

If you have been searching for PC or PS3 footage at all, think again. Have you been looking for those DX10 to DX11 comparison screenshots? Sorry, think again. Over the past 18 months of Crysis 2 and its developmental process, the PC and PS3 platforms have not seen a single frame of video or a single pixel of a screenshot. The Crysis 2 marketing has been solely fixed on the Xbox360, which has been eroding trust away at the community's faith in Crytek bringing a successful multiplatform game into the market this March, 2011.

Crytek has failed to fulfill their promises of a beta for those of us that signed up when this website launched. Instead, they released a sly "tech test", exclusive to the Xbox360. While we understand the need for a beta on the consoles, many potential customers are being turned away by the neglection of the PC / PS3 markets.

The recent exclusive Xbox360 multiplayer demo has resulted in a huge uproar, and not without good reason. Throughout the entire developmental process of Crysis 2, the PC and PS3 fanbase have yet to see or play it in any way. Throughout all this, all the community has seen is Xbox360 videos, Xbox360 screenshots, Xbox360 betas, and Xbox360 demos. Crysis 2 is supposedly a multiplatform game but the marketing would suggest to you that it is not. The Demo has set off a wave of frustration and disappointment that has been building up over the last 18 months and is well deserved.

In fact, recent polls suggest that the PC/PS3 fanbase consists of up to 75% of all potential customers. It is time that these voices be heard. The PC players are who have brought Crytek up to this point, and yet have been completely ignored. The PS3 fanbase has been left in the dark while the Xbox360 is basking in a warm glowing sun.

Some of the questions the community wants answers to:

Will we see every platform get a demo eventually?
Will the PC get DX11, dedicated servers, and modification support?
Will we ever get some PC/PS3 footage and screenshots?

The time has come for this game to finally be marketed like the multiplatform game it is. Most of the fanbase has lost faith in Crytek's ability to deliver the goods with Crysis 2. I myself, have canceled my pre-order due to a lack of information and beta/demo for the PC and PS3 versions of this game.

So go ahead, announce your concerns about Crysis 2 marketing on your platform here, and Crytek will do their best to get an answer to you. It is time that Crytek and EA woke up to their destructive and nonexistant marketing tactics for Crysis 2.

Knock Knock, Crytek.

Crysis 2: The Importance of a Demo - for all Platforms by Black_Angel 6.66 is the real thread about the Crysis 2 demo.
Crysis 2: The importance of a demo

Courtesy of the I.G.D.A.

To start off:
In February of 2003 the IGDA (International Game Developers Association) survey of publishers revealed that the single most important aspect of a product submission is the game/code demo. The survey further found that a large proportion (77% of respondents) would be unlikely to sign up a game without a demo. Surprisingly many developers (especially new companies) fail to grasp the importance of the demo. Many consider that the work done to create a polished and well-presented demo is time that could be better spent working on the game. Much of the code needed to create a good demo will never be used in the finished game. It is written simply to “paper over the cracks” – to cover those elements of the final game that have not been implemented yet and to prevent the demo from crashing. The IGDA’s survey shows how wrong this attitude is (And many publishers and developers alike have failed because of it).

For a commercial developer, seeking to secure publisher funding is one very important factor, creating a demo for your target audience to test is of vital importance.

First off: What is a demo?
Demo - it is a sample code/graphics/audio that demonstrates key elements of the proposed game. - Depending on the genre of the game this could be an entire game level or part of one (FPS), a single race track with a couple of cars (racing) or a few locations/rooms with puzzles (point and click adventure game). Obviously the larger the demo which has more features, the easier it is for a publisher to understand what you hope to achieve and the easier it is for them to make a decision. However the scope of your demo will mainly be governed by the time/resources you have available. The main difference between a good and a bad demo is quality of design, feedback and implementation.

And here are the objectives of a good demo:
1. To demonstrate key game play and design elements of the game.
You can’t show the entire game (if you could you wouldn’t be pitching to a publisher for funding) so instead select a few key game play features. Depending on the resources you have available for your demo, you would only be able to include a few examples of these game play features. The key is to pick the most impressive/vital ones such as scrolling, collisions, level links and a few of the actual platform features and then create a small environment that shows them off well. Bigger is not necessarily better exactly because you have a limited set of features. Taking a large level and filling it with only a small set of the proposed game features will make the demo seem empty and boring. By limiting the size of your environment and filling it with your few examples you create a better feeling of playability.
2. To show the publisher that you are a creative, professional and competent developer.
The demo needs to start, run and exit gracefully and contain the minimum number of bugs. This is because the non-technical staff at a publisher (marketing, PR, sales, finance) are likely to view a demo that contains bugs and take it as an indication of the (poor) quality of the finished product. If a game feature is not finished/working properly then don’t include it in the demo. Filling a demo with a large number of malfunctioning features simply isn’t a good advert for your game or you teams abilities. Less but better is the key.
Include a nice title screen and, if the publisher needs to make any options selections to run the demo, ensure they are presented on a well-designed and well implemented menu. Hide any programmer initialization information behind a simple and neat “loading please wait” screen. Programmers may find it useful to display frames per second or the current start up status of the game code but this doesn’t make for a well presented demo. Turn it off or hide it. End the demo with a nice “congratulations you won” screen or at the very least return to the title screen gracefully. Also remember to clearly display your teams name/logo and contact details on the demo in case the accompanying documentation gets lost.
3. To prove that you are capable of producing a game demo of an acceptable quality.
Non-interactive video presentations are no longer acceptable as demos with which to secure the necessary deal. (The common mistake) Too many publishers have signed up such projects only to find that the developer was unable to do the necessary programming to realize the vision. Previously burned publishers now want to see interaction in action before they will sign a project (Like EA for example). Unfortunately this means that the developer must shoulder the cost of developing demo technology with which to produce said demo.

4. To demonstrate how much effort you have put into your demo.
Just presenting the demo in its complete form may seem like a good idea but it isn’t. To generate the best results you need to clearly show the amount of effort that went into creating the demo. Taking the platform game example again, start your demo with a blank screen then quickly turn on background display, then the player sprite, make him move (animation) and in so doing reveal new engine features (animating background or moving platforms). Then end by inviting the user to take control and experience the demo environment for them-selves. In this way you ensure that all your efforts are clearly displayed to your audience and in so doing you increase the perceived size of you demo.
Producing a high quality demo can be a lot of work but it is the single most important item when attempting to win over the interest of your target audience. There will always be limits on the resources you can invest into a demo but the more effort you make the more likely you are to secure their support.
- Also publishers view a demo as an indication of your teams design and programming abilities and the likely quality of the finished game and any developer who ignores this does so at their own heavy financial peril.

More interesting research
The Latest in Gaming research shows:
The ability to demo a video game is of crucial importance and has a big impact on most consumers' game purchasing decisions. This was even more important than price, although price became the #1 factor when buying games as gifts.

Interestingly, the biggest takeaway from the study was that although price can play an important role in a consumer's game purchasing decisions, being able to "test drive" a game was found to be particularly important. The results of the game and word of mouth also factored into consumers' game purchasing decisions.

And A Happy New Year Everyone and Happy 2011, "The Year of Crysis 2"
From and Presented by: Black_Angel 6.66

(Important Note: The latest thread, ( poll*A Demo: When and How ), only answered when and how to this thread. This thread represents the "Why" for the Demo.
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Kieren Thomson
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:52 am

My last post explaining the difference between the two is for Cry-Adam and to all other interested parties.
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Taylor Tifany
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:07 am

What the hell happened here?
Another xbox 360 exclusive ?? if a Demo is not released for the pc shortly after that news announcement, I shall be shoving over the fire with 60 bucks for this. I'm sorry crytek it was nice of you to make this community forum and all but for lack of pc info and a demo. I'm canceling my order and the only way your getting my hard earned cash is if there something for the pc people to live for. Goodbye crytek.
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Marcin Tomkow
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:02 pm

Just canceled my pre order too

I'm gonna wait for a pc exclusive from here on out now. I might just go buy another game instead and pick this one up later in the IGNORED SALE BIN!!! for a harmless $4.99 with $2 tax rather than be pissed like this. I'll stick with the pc guys for this one.
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Annika Marziniak
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:25 am

Well is this any more convenient Crytek?

What the hell happened here?
Another xbox 360 exclusive ?? if a Demo is not released for the pc shortly after that news announcement, I shall be shoving over the fire with 60 bucks for this. I'm sorry crytek it was nice of you to make this community forum and all but for lack of pc info and a demo. I'm canceling my order and the only way your getting my hard earned cash is if there something for the pc people to live for. Goodbye crytek.

Just canceled my pre order too

I'm gonna wait for a pc exclusive from here on out now. I might just go buy another game instead and pick this one up later in the IGNORED SALE BIN!!! for a harmless $4.99 with $2 tax rather than be pissed like this. I'll stick with the pc guys for this one.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:45 am

I honestly don't see a PC/PS3 demo getting any related info from this point so on. So I'm guessing that this thread might be around for a while until then or when the Xbox 360 demo goes sour.
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Thomas LEON
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:50 am

My last post explaining the difference between the two is for Cry-Adam and to all other interested parties.
I think you didn't have to go that far to explain the difference, it's up to people to read from these two different threads and discover it for themselves.
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Sammie LM
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:29 am

I honestly don't see a PC/PS3 demo getting any related info from this point so on. So I'm guessing that this thread might be around for a while until then or when the Xbox 360 demo goes sour.
Isn't that a bit harsh for the xbox 360 users? We just might get a demo for our rigs soon. After reading a few of these posts.
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CHangohh BOyy
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:12 pm

My last post explaining the difference between the two is for Cry-Adam and to all other interested parties.
I think you didn't have to go that far to explain the difference, it's up to people to read from these two different threads and discover it for themselves.
Don't worry, Cry-Adam will probably understand. If he can't, then it might be time to take this thread to the higher powers of crytek.
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Haley Merkley
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:06 am

I posted this comment I made in aother section but it's relevant for this topic too...

To be honest, when Crytek said, "PS3 will be the lead platform" you would think that they would at least show Crysis 2 (demo, screenshots or something) on the PS3. I don't think that anyone has seen anything about this game running on the PS3. So for EA and Crytek to decide that they will release a Beta (just for the 360) and now a actual demo for the said console, what are PC and PS3 owner who are equally looking forward to this game for their system suppose to think? I own all the above but it seems to be a kick in the teeth for PC and PS3 owners who want to play this game for the system they own. I don't hate 360 for this but come on Crytek and EA... give everyone what they want and lets put an end to this exclusivity rubbish! We are all looking forward to this game since it was announced for consoles and this is what they do... treat one bunch of owners and not the other. Very sad indeed... this isn't the way to make more sales from both console and PC owners. People are already cancelling their PS3 pre-orders because they are worried about the quality of the PS3 version due to the no showing aspect of it and all the 360 demos etc...

I'm supporting you all here!! :o)
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Kat Ives
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:41 am

I posted this comment I made in aother section but it's relevant for this topic too...

To be honest, when Crytek said, "PS3 will be the lead platform" you would think that they would at least show Crysis 2 (demo, screenshots or something) on the PS3. I don't think that anyone has seen anything about this game running on the PS3. So for EA and Crytek to decide that they will release a Beta (just for the 360) and now a actual demo for the said console, what are PC and PS3 owner who are equally looking forward to this game for their system suppose to think? I own all the above but it seems to be a kick in the teeth for PC and PS3 owners who want to play this game for the system they own. I don't hate 360 for this but come on Crytek and EA... give everyone what they want and lets put an end to this exclusivity rubbish! We are all looking forward to this game since it was announced for consoles and this is what they do... treat one bunch of owners and not the other. Very sad indeed... this isn't the way to make more sales from both console and PC owners. People are already cancelling their PS3 pre-orders because they are worried about the quality of the PS3 version due to the no showing aspect of it and all the 360 demos etc...

I'm supporting you all here!! :o)

Thanks for the support, on behalf of those who are already here plus you :D
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Paul Rice
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:25 am

It may seem a bit bleak, but with continued support like this. There might still be a chance for a Pc and Ps3 demo after all. And Crytek's nice right?
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Bad News Rogers
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:08 pm

It may seem a bit bleak, but with continued support like this. There might still be a chance for a Pc and Ps3 demo after all. And Crytek's nice right?
Your not the only user who's hoping, but yes. There is still a lot that could happen between feb. and march if we all thought that way.
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Mr. Allen
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:57 am

The point I was going to make is if us Pc guys will only get the pc version at release then there should be one good reason for this. Just a hunch, Crytek has lost faith in us pc guys, and now their new aim is the console people. If that's true, why are the Ps3 guys getting the same cold treatment as us? The demo must be the most annoying and disappointing reason to ignore us. Maybe there is secret message in the new demo.

Message to us: You Pc and Ps3 users are worthless and we only care bout XboX 360 users only. If you have a problem, we just want your cash instead. From Crytek :)
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Chloe Yarnall
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:21 am

Message to us: You Pc and Ps3 users are worthless and we only care bout XboX 360 users only. If you have a problem, we just want your cash instead. From Crytek :)

Believe it or not, that's the same message I got when I was reading about the Xbox 360 exclusive demo in the news section. It made me feel like everything I was doing for my rig and this community is for sh#!. Then still no word from the pc version and ps3 version too.
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Steve Smith
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:50 am

Message to us: You Pc and Ps3 users are worthless and we only care bout XboX 360 users only. If you have a problem, we just want your cash instead. From Crytek :)

Believe it or not, that's the same message I got when I was reading about the Xbox 360 exclusive demo in the news section. It made me feel like everything I was doing for my rig and this community is for sh#!. Then still no word from the pc version and ps3 version too.

I don't think that this message should be discussed about. It was already clear before the 360 exclusive demo was ever released. You just need to look and read back.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:12 am

But in the last few days, the general forum has become a demo forum, which is horrible. I think it would be best if it were to be placed in one topic, then we can see the seriousness of the topic.

Other than that, it's going to be a pretty busy week for all of us, personally, and in gaming.

Afterwards, things are going to die down, not many of these newer members here stay too long, but there are some who actually do, which is good. I've been here since the last gamesas, so now I'm making a full commitment of being active as much as possible.

If Crysis 2 does become a popular game, I can expect this site to be flooded with loads of new members and topics.
If anyone has got a problem about the demo, they should just discuss it here, rather than get it showered all over the place to scatter. This was the only thread about a crysis 2 demo in the first place.
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Scotties Hottie
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:16 pm

But in the last few days, the general forum has become a demo forum, which is horrible. I think it would be best if it were to be placed in one topic, then we can see the seriousness of the topic.

Other than that, it's going to be a pretty busy week for all of us, personally, and in gaming.

Afterwards, things are going to die down, not many of these newer members here stay too long, but there are some who actually do, which is good. I've been here since the last gamesas, so now I'm making a full commitment of being active as much as possible.

If Crysis 2 does become a popular game, I can expect this site to be flooded with loads of new members and topics.
If anyone has got a problem about the demo, they should just discuss it here, rather than get it showered all over the place to scatter. This was the only thread about a crysis 2 demo in the first place.
That makes a whole lot of sense, this is the demo thread about crysis 2. Why else would anyone just post something about the demo somewhere else when it has such a title to contradict their post.
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DAVId MArtInez
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:50 am

But in the last few days, the general forum has become a demo forum, which is horrible. I think it would be best if it were to be placed in one topic, then we can see the seriousness of the topic.

Other than that, it's going to be a pretty busy week for all of us, personally, and in gaming.

Afterwards, things are going to die down, not many of these newer members here stay too long, but there are some who actually do, which is good. I've been here since the last gamesas, so now I'm making a full commitment of being active as much as possible.

If Crysis 2 does become a popular game, I can expect this site to be flooded with loads of new members and topics.
If anyone has got a problem about the demo, they should just discuss it here, rather than get it showered all over the place to scatter. This was the only thread about a crysis 2 demo in the first place.
That makes a whole lot of sense, this is the demo thread about crysis 2. Why else would anyone just post something about the demo somewhere else when it has such a title to contradict their post.
It's a simple manner of bloody common sense, who would be the numskull to do what you just posted about. There are threads with titles to represent them, to post something so absurd is just plain dumb. If its about the bloody demo, its about the demo. If its about a lack of support, its about the lack of support. Use your heads.
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maria Dwyer
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:43 pm

Maybe we should get back to discussing about a demo for the Pc and Ps3 about now. Its already sad that the way to make more sales from both ps3 and Pc owners have decreased because of the 360 exclusive behavior. People are already cancelling their PS3 pre-orders because they are worried about the quality of the ps3 version due to the no showing aspect of it along with the pc orders which by my count might have dropped by a few hundred buyers who are aware of the 360 exclusive situation.
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des lynam
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:05 am

The need for Pc and Ps3 demo is far more well sought for than ever before. The recent exclusive xbox 360 demo fiasco is something that most of us will never forget. It was one of the most dramatic events in the history of Crysis 2 and Crytek for generations to come.

Yet the struggle for a Pc and Ps3 demo will not end here, the fate that we have now is only a temporary setback. I still have faith in Crytek, but it's shaking. The once great Crysis that changed Hd gaming will return again to the Pc powers and share its power with the ps3 & consoles alike.
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Stryke Force
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:03 pm

The need for Pc and Ps3 demo is far more well sought for than ever before. The recent exclusive xbox 360 demo fiasco is something that most of us will never forget. It was one of the most dramatic events in the history of Crysis 2 and Crytek for generations to come.

Yet the struggle for a Pc and Ps3 demo will not end here, the fate that we have now is only a temporary setback. I still have faith in Crytek, but it's shaking. The once great Crysis that changed Hd gaming will return again to the Pc powers and share its power with the ps3 & consoles alike.
I'll still support this thread and topic. The author seems interested in keeping this thread alive, let's try to show some enthusiasm.
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Alkira rose Nankivell
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:27 am

The need for Pc and Ps3 demo is far more well sought for than ever before. The recent exclusive xbox 360 demo fiasco is something that most of us will never forget. It was one of the most dramatic events in the history of Crysis 2 and Crytek for generations to come.

Yet the struggle for a Pc and Ps3 demo will not end here, the fate that we have now is only a temporary setback. I still have faith in Crytek, but it's shaking. The once great Crysis that changed Hd gaming will return again to the Pc powers and share its power with the ps3 & consoles alike.
I'll still support this thread and topic. The author seems interested in keeping this thread alive, let's try to show some enthusiasm.
Thanks for that, but recent events may prove to show otherwise. Only the future may change our way of thinking towards Crytek for the best :)
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:46 am

As far as Im concerned, the only talk of recent crysis 2 pc information was pre-alpha based in Australia. On the Ps3, nothing so far. Though Crytek seems intent in resolving this matter, I don't see any improvement regretfully.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:47 am

Some interestingly good news,
After yesterday’s announcement that the Crysis 2 Multiplayer demo (have you seen the multiplayer trailer) would be coming exclusively to Xbox 360 on January 25, we shot off a note to EA to ask about the possibility of a PS3 demo. As you might expect they declined to comment directly on that but they did provide an interesting bit of information that got us to thinking. We were told “Today we’re announcing an Xbox 360 exclusive multiplayer demo for Crysis 2 that begins on January 25th and ends on February 4th. We have no other announcements to make at this time.”

There you have it folks, the Xbox 360 demo is only running for two weeks. Crysis 2 doesn’t release until March 22, so that leaves more than enough time for them to release a PS3 demo sometime in February or early March even. It’s not much but it does mean that all hope isn’t lost. We for one hope that us PS3 gamers get to get our hands on the demo, I mean Crysis 2 coming to consoles is a landmark and should be shared by everyone we think. What do you think?

From and Courtesy of
(Hopefully this affects us Pc gamers too. )
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