» Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:29 am
They lied to us about the demo, it's really aonther beta test in the friendly words of a demo. You'd be a bloody numskull to not notice that by now. A demo with a scheduled date limitation, and still there is no "real" demo for this community. A singleplayer demo would be more appropriate for the Ps3 and Pc.
Oh yeah for that, a PC demo for crysis 2 definitely!!!
Right now, a demo would make waiting until march more comfortable. It's sandbox so we can play it over and over and over again, and still have fun. But I think they have to optimize the whole game in terms of Pc graphics, bug destroying and finishing up a whole level with an open end. And Crytek should think about it immediately.
I can't help but agree as well, the demo is actually another excuse for a 360 test. And still no news about our Pc and PS3 demo's, I'd rather buy a brand new PS3 and play that Killzone 3 demo if this aching demo outcry from both Pc's and PS3's alike is not properly fixed.