Crysis 2: The Importance of a Demo - for all Platforms

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:35 pm

Where is the crysis 2 pc demo? Thank you in adv. :)
So far their is only a Xbox 360 exclusive demo available, Crytek may be in the process of making one for the pc though, stay tuned.
Thank you, I hardly noticed any Pc related information by the way. Is Crytek not allowed to release any material about their Pc version to their community or is the sequel for this game no longer available for the Pc?
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:46 pm

Once again, I value all of your recent input/feedback here guys :)

From what I understand, all of your insights have been very helpful for this thread's purpose. Recent spammers and flamers have seemed to have risen as well. These are slightly good signs for a well discussed thread on its importance in the future of Crysis 2. All attempts for further violence or direct attacks on individuals on this thread are at best to be dis-regarded.

We are here to discuss the importance of a demo. Not rush into certain things and maintain a "strict" mind-set for its reasoning.
Thank you, - Black_Angel 6.66
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Elea Rossi
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:45 am

So as a PC player I don't have any option to demo the game. Well done ea/crytec you deserted the customers who made the series. So how am I supposed to decide whether I want to get the game without a PC demo??????

I refuse to view a dummed down version of the game on 5/6 year old defunct hardware.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:21 am

Its like the American Congress and their Bills. You got to buy it to see whats in it.
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Naazhe Perezz
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:02 am

stupid move from these money hungry "people". I am also quite pissed off about this but I swear if there is no demo then I will not purchase their title.
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Fanny Rouyé
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:58 am

When I first heard that the demo was xbox exlusive like most people I was angry... but then I saw killzone 3(which ive already pre-ordered:) was having 2 demo's a singleplayer and multiplayer. Which made me think that mabye one reason the demo isnt coming to ps3 is because sony really wants it flagship fps to sell so they dont want another fps game like it for a demo. Then I thought why would they bring it to xbox, ps3, and not pc so I really didnt think that was the reason.
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Alba Casas
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:17 pm

Once again, ther must be a Pc demo out by now. Oops, there is none...
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:27 am

When I first heard that the demo was xbox exlusive like most people I was angry... but then I saw killzone 3(which ive already pre-ordered:) was having 2 demo's a singleplayer and multiplayer. Which made me think that mabye one reason the demo isnt coming to ps3 is because sony really wants it flagship fps to sell so they dont want another fps game like it for a demo. Then I thought why would they bring it to xbox, ps3, and not pc so I really didnt think that was the reason.
As long as crysis 2 has no demo, I'd rather go back to Killzone 3 for a demo. The difference is they have one for their game, while Crytek's been bloody lazy and ignorant about their Ps3 and Pc community here. This thread is living digital proof of their community's cry.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:18 pm

Anyone wondering, why did Crytek release an exclusive Xbox 360 beta like demo, didn't this thread explain it clear to you Crytek - free demos are pure bites of the game and the way your acting, there will never be a "real" demo for Crysis 2...? I think you have some problems with xbox-live, don't you, otherwise you wouldn't have released a Beta just for the 360.
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Claire Lynham
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:19 pm

They lied to us about the demo, it's really aonther beta test in the friendly words of a demo. You'd be a bloody numskull to not notice that by now. A demo with a scheduled date limitation, and still there is no "real" demo for this community. A singleplayer demo would be more appropriate for the Ps3 and Pc.
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Rebecca Dosch
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:57 am

They lied to us about the demo, it's really aonther beta test in the friendly words of a demo. You'd be a bloody numskull to not notice that by now. A demo with a scheduled date limitation, and still there is no "real" demo for this community. A singleplayer demo would be more appropriate for the Ps3 and Pc.
Oh yeah for that, a PC demo for crysis 2 definitely!!!
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:43 pm

They lied to us about the demo, it's really aonther beta test in the friendly words of a demo. You'd be a bloody numskull to not notice that by now. A demo with a scheduled date limitation, and still there is no "real" demo for this community. A singleplayer demo would be more appropriate for the Ps3 and Pc.
Oh yeah for that, a PC demo for crysis 2 definitely!!!
Right now, a demo would make waiting until march more comfortable. It's sandbox so we can play it over and over and over again, and still have fun. But I think they have to optimize the whole game in terms of Pc graphics, bug destroying and finishing up a whole level with an open end. And Crytek should think about it immediately.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:43 am

Maybe we should stick to a couple key threads so like this one to avoid another unnecessary need for a demo thread again. I posted this kind of similar post to a thread about lack of information, and they just continued ranting about the xbox360 multiplayer features, so I stuck with this thread instead. Yet the threads title was about the community and the 360 demo, it went off topic most of the time and the answers by the crytek staff were all corporate level and misleading answers. In short, I followed this thread in the end.

For a Pc demo my fellow's!
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:29 am

They lied to us about the demo, it's really aonther beta test in the friendly words of a demo. You'd be a bloody numskull to not notice that by now. A demo with a scheduled date limitation, and still there is no "real" demo for this community. A singleplayer demo would be more appropriate for the Ps3 and Pc.
Oh yeah for that, a PC demo for crysis 2 definitely!!!
Right now, a demo would make waiting until march more comfortable. It's sandbox so we can play it over and over and over again, and still have fun. But I think they have to optimize the whole game in terms of Pc graphics, bug destroying and finishing up a whole level with an open end. And Crytek should think about it immediately.
I can't help but agree as well, the demo is actually another excuse for a 360 test. And still no news about our Pc and PS3 demo's, I'd rather buy a brand new PS3 and play that Killzone 3 demo if this aching demo outcry from both Pc's and PS3's alike is not properly fixed.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:27 am

Actually, I was going to get that Killzone 3 demo as a bloody last resort. It is just too un-bearable to go on about this need for a Ps3/Pc demo when the very people behind it have more porblems to consider than us. Too bad, because Killzone 3 has a demo for their community. Hope you get the hint Crytek ;|
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:47 am

So as a PC player I don't have any option to demo the game. Well done ea/crytec you deserted the customers who made the series. So how am I supposed to decide whether I want to get the game without a PC demo??????

I refuse to view a dummed down version of the game on 5/6 year old defunct hardware.
How the hell can Crytek bail themselves out of this one. That's right they need to provide a PC DEMO before all hell breaks loose again.
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Brandon Wilson
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:57 am

So as a PC player I don't have any option to demo the game. Well done ea/crytec you deserted the customers who made the series. So how am I supposed to decide whether I want to get the game without a PC demo??????

I refuse to view a dummed down version of the game on 5/6 year old defunct hardware.
How the hell can Crytek bail themselves out of this one. That's right they need to provide a PC DEMO before all hell breaks loose again.
Im up for that man, still alive and here. For a Pc demo!!!
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:47 am

So as a PC player I don't have any option to demo the game. Well done ea/crytec you deserted the customers who made the series. So how am I supposed to decide whether I want to get the game without a PC demo??????

I refuse to view a dummed down version of the game on 5/6 year old defunct hardware.
How the hell can Crytek bail themselves out of this one. That's right they need to provide a PC DEMO before all hell breaks loose again.
Im up for that man, still alive and here. For a Pc demo!!!The time has come for this game to finally be marketed like the multiplatform game it is. Most of the fanbase has lost faith in Crytek's ability to deliver the goods with Crysis 2. I myself, have canceled my pre-order due to a lack of information and beta/demo for the PC and PS3 versions of this game
This thread may be here for a while... and so, were going to need more and more support as soon as possible. This communities cry's cannot go un-answered for that long.
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Michelle Chau
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:05 am

This thread may be here for a while... and so, were going to need more and more support as soon as possible. This communities cry's cannot go un-answered for that long.
I can agree with that, as long as their is a fairly large community of Pc and Ps3 gamers for crysis 2 that is in need for a demo. This thread would unlikely disappear or go ignored. I myself can prove that. Just keep reading since page 1.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:19 am
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:00 pm
For some obvious reasons, the content of this thread also supports this thread's fight for a Pc and Ps3 demo. Viewer discretion is advised though ;D

As always, let's just try and continue with our need for a demo discussion here, guys.
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Ridhwan Hemsome
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:34 pm


Hey dude!

Seeing that no one in the EA camp on twitter seems to have the balls nor the decency to reply to our plight I thougt I'd ask here and see how far I get.

Please can you entertain us, the low life pc gamers as why this xbox exclusive nonsense is where it is? I mean judging from this forum and twitter pages we can clearly see that EA and Crytek have pissed off ALOT of PC gamers with their xbox only bubble. I think you guys owe an explanation to the legit PC fans of Crytek why we're being shafted? So I thought I'd give you a fair chance to explain this ludicrous action of XBOX exclisuve of all plaforms before I make up my mind about this debacle.

EARGERLY awaiting your reply...

Moerse pissed off PC Gamer.
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Thomas LEON
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:32 am


Hey dude!

Seeing that no one in the EA camp on twitter seems to have the balls nor the decency to reply to our plight I thougt I'd ask here and see how far I get.

Please can you entertain us, the low life pc gamers as why this xbox exclusive nonsense is where it is? I mean judging from this forum and twitter pages we can clearly see that EA and Crytek have pissed off ALOT of PC gamers with their xbox only bubble. I think you guys owe an explanation to the legit PC fans of Crytek why we're being shafted? So I thought I'd give you a fair chance to explain this ludicrous action of XBOX exclisuve of all plaforms before I make up my mind about this debacle.

EARGERLY awaiting your reply...

Moerse pissed off PC Gamer.
As always, welcome to our thread. May your concerns and ours continue to fight for our Pc demo's as soon as possible.
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Juanita Hernandez
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:01 pm

Thanks m8... Lets hope some light can be shed on the topic?
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:31 pm

Maybe what Crytek can do to sweeten the deal for us PC gamers and PS3 alike, is perhaps include an extra map for the demos when they come out. Or even perhaps save the stats from the 360 demo and the PC (and like the first release of the Crysis demo include the sandbox editor) and PS3 to be used when the game is released so those who have already played and moved up in rank can continue, thus avoiding any spotty things i.e. the early access to the weapons in a few games that GameSpot has set up.

Perhaps also remind people of the fact that Crymodders will have so much more to work with the new engine as opposed to the CE2, take for example MechWarrior: Living Legends, I'm sure they are planning to move it over the CE3 once the sdk has been released, plus this could be another leap for indie-developers as well.

Also on another note, it would perhaps be beneficial to start letting all 3 shine equally during the remaining months. Give the 3 all attention they equally deserve don't let any of them go for second place and next thing you know you'll have game of the year for PC,PS3 and Xbox360.

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