Well, releasing a PC/PS3 demo might just violate the contract they signed with Microsoft. Remember the Super Meat Boy fiasco? One of the developers stood up, and explained that SMB can't be done for PS3, because they signed a contract, which forbids them to develop the game for any platform other than 360/PC/Wii/Mac.(?)
So i'm thinking there might be a similar contract behind the scenes, thus CryTek can't really do anything, or else lawyers would descend upon them like vultures.
I have respect for Lee and all the other people who try to calm us, but if the above mentioned situation is a possibility, just say it.
"Sorry, we would very much like to release a demo for the PC and PS3 version of the game, but the contract that we signed with Microsoft forbids us in doing so, again, thank you for your patience."
Would that be so hard?
That would be the greatest insult in our entire gamesas.com community if that were true, they promised to make crysis 2 a multiplatform game, a beta/demo and give the community what they want if the community tried hard enough. Also, isn't Microsoft responsible for operating systems for computers to begin with and the xbox 360 was just a game based platform version of their work. The contract with contradict with Crytek's promise to their community if that ever so were true. Nvidia is also one of their partners in the graphical development of crysis 2, for the Pc platform if i'm not mistaken.
All pointing to the inescapable fact, that crysis 2 needs a Pc demo.
It would be truly sad, if that were true and if it was the case; Why can't Crytek just admit it to end such a turn of events in this community to stop keeping everyone on the edge. Thanks for your insight into this though

You just made a very valid point with that post, though a contract might exist. We should just continue our discussion on the importance of a demo for all three platforms as best as possible. Hopefully, Crytek can address this soon if it were ever the case.