This is my first post, pls understand

I find this topic to be enlightening and the posters to be quite keen in wanting a demo. I can understand that some of you really want to play crysis2 as early as possible. but as mentioned by this poster:
Black_Angel 6.66
For those who want to go deeper, the select few might have the opportunity to test it themselves. But that still remains to be seen. That is only one of the purposes of a demo, the rest is up to you.
and he's very right, only "some" to keep it hyped.
And this person says:
"There is really no need for a crysis 2 demo", and he's absolutely wrong. Reviews and videos will not prove anything without first hand experience. Just watching those videos and reading these topics is already mouth watering. You really can't prove anything if your going to say something like that here.
And this person says:
This is particularly correct, and it would do console players a favour. Because it is Cryteks first console game, using crysis. And the word is already out for a Crysis 2 demo, now all we have to do is do our best. I didn't suddenly just love crysis to see it not have a demo. for crysis 2, and to all may crysis 2 be with you. !
It would seem that this person is defending, even though its getting rough.
All in short, We need a Demo.
I speak on behalf of those who need to feel rather than see.