Crysis 2: The Importance of a Demo - for all Platforms

Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:30 pm

I'd like to see a demo :) Plus, i'm sure the ability for pc gamers to see the game firsthand would boost sales. Of course, if it svcks big donkey balls then i guess it'd do the opposite. Which would actually make me very suspicious if there wasn't a demo, like as if crytek were hiding something.
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Joe Bonney
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:39 am

Thanks again for the latest in support everyone, let's all hope for the best.
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Sophie Miller
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:14 am

I sure as hell want a demo, but I think there is a good reason to lock this thread at this point. The first 6 pages of this thread just leave a horrible taste and makes this community look like something it is not...
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:45 pm

It's something we frown upon, but that doesnt stop out progress. Spam is useless, yes. But its better to keep moving than stand and watch.
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adam holden
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:20 am

A demo would be awesome in the near future. Especially I'd like to test the stereoscopic 3D effect, and how it works. Of course, I want to see if my PC can handle the game but I want to test the game on Xbox as well, because it felt good when I tested the Multiplayer back then. Crytek has many levels finished right now. The Central station, the first level that was shown, and now "Semper Fi or Die" so one level the Demo should contain. Also it should have a cliffhanger like the Crysis Demo to make the testers buy it. ;P But I think they have to optimize the game, remove bugs, and somehow explain the story in short form, unless the level isn't the first level.

But to get back to the Topic: A Demo might be the most important thing when marketing a Game. Reviews and Videos are only showcase and can't let you judge the games quality, especially for a Sandbox Game like Crysis.

EDIT: This Thread makes me wanna have a Crysis 2 Demo I just can't tell why... o_O
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:08 am

2003. A lot can happen in 7 years. A lot has. There are far more internet users today, as there were in 2003. Yes, that is a fact. Nowadays, you don't have to have a demo. We have YouTube, we have reviews, we have video reviews, and so on. There simply isn't a need for a demo, at this point. Today, it actually is better to spend that resource to work on polishing the game.

Sorry, but that's how it is. As for the survey itself (apart from the fact that it was conducted in 2003), that's simply a survey. Would you rather play a demo before purchasing the actual game? Of course.

Thank you

If your not going to contribute to our cause, then review this:

Crysis 2: The importance of a demo

Courtesy of the I.G.D.A.

To start off:
[b]In February of 2003 the IGDA (International Game Developers Association) survey of publishers revealed that the single most important aspect of a product submission is the game/code demo. The survey further found that a large proportion (77% of respondents) would be unlikely to sign up a game without a demo. Surprisingly many developers (especially new companies) fail to grasp the importance of the demo. Many consider that the work done to create a polished and well-presented demo is time that could be better spent working on the game. Much of the code needed to create a good demo will never be used in the finished game. It is written simply to “paper over the cracks” – to cover those elements of the final game that have not been implemented yet and to prevent the demo from crashing. The IGDA’s survey shows how wrong this attitude is (And many publishers and developers alike have failed because of it).

And the recent corporate gaming research during 2010:
The Latest in Gaming research shows:
The ability to demo a video game is of crucial importance and has a big impact on most consumers' game purchasing decisions. This was even more important than price, although price became the #1 factor when buying games as gifts.

Interestingly, the biggest takeaway from the study was that although price can play an important role in a consumer's game purchasing decisions, being able to "test drive" a game was found to be particularly important. The results of the game and word of mouth also factored into consumers' game purchasing decisions.

Do you need more proof to explain why we need a demo. Dj-iceman

I would like a little more information on the more recent "study", yes. The thing is, it all comes down to individual games and also, whether Crytek has actually got the resource to spend on something like this. Would you say CoD needs a demo? It's doing pretty damn well without one, I must say.
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Kevin S
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:18 am

Call of Duty doesn't need a Demo. Why? Because it's the same game over and over again and mindless shooting is not a feature that everybody wants to test.
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Bereket Fekadu
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:58 pm

Please Read: Call of duty is a ripoff if you have one you have Em all...
WHEREAS Crysis 2 has eager fans wanting to test the new
gameplay plus since its a groundbreaking game with unreal
effects people want to see if there computer can run it befor
they buy it + people just want a demo its not that hard
along time ago almost every game had a demo theres a difference
between watching a video of someone on a rollercoaster and being
on a rollercoaster actually playing game would be so satisfying i hope
the crytek people can see this.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:38 pm

Maybe a pre-release PC benchmark?
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:26 pm

Call of Duty doesn't need a Demo. Why? Because it's the same game over and over again and mindless shooting is not a feature that everybody wants to test.

I beleive Modern Warfare 2 actually has a demo on PSN.

...Which came right after MW2's release. They should of done it before. It would of made sense. And since it was a long wait till the demo was released, what's the point?

I also believe a demo for Crysis 2 is needed. We all feel things differently, so we need to have a small hands-on experience of the game, in order to know whether this game is for us.

I don't want them to release after, because it wouldn't do any justice. We'll need it so we can determine how well it runs on a PC, but it will be more important on Console as it's Crytek's first game on console, or else I don't think anybody will be interested in buying the game without actually having to try it out.
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Laura Wilson
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:31 pm

I also believe a demo for Crysis 2 is needed. We all feel things differently, so we need to have a small hands-on experience of the game, in order to know whether this game is for us.

I don't want them to release after, because it wouldn't do any justice. We'll need it so we can determine how well it runs on a PC, but it will be more important on Console as it's Crytek's first game on console, or else I don't think anybody will be interested in buying the game without actually having to try it out.

This is particularly correct, and it would do console players a favour. Because it is Cryteks first console game, using crysis. And the word is already out for a Crysis 2 demo, now all we have to do is do our best. I didn't suddenly just love crysis to see it not have a demo. for crysis 2, and to all may crysis 2 be with you. !

And about Call of duty 4 mw1, its demo did come before the release. Why did no.6 mw2 come after the game release, we could have just bought the whole package in one blow rather than struggle over a single player demo. I wish this wouldn't happen to crysis 2, the faith is scary.
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Charlotte Lloyd-Jones
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:21 am

To address a few important issues, a demo is quite needed at this point. Just read the posts before me, and any of you can see/read for your self. There will always be pro's and con's, but the fact remains. Crysis 2 will be a whole new gaming - major Fps - experience for everyone and everyone deserves a chance to play it.

For those who want to go deeper, the select few might have the opportunity to test it themselves. But that still remains to be seen. That is only one of the purposes of a demo, the rest is up to you.

If you're reading this, then your part of this.
This is Black_Angel 6.66, fighting for a C2 demo.
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Anna Krzyzanowska
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:45 am

If you're reading this, then your part of this.
This is Black_Angel 6.66, fighting for a C2 demo.

This one is dedicated for you, enjoy brain storming:
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:53 pm

Really guys admit it, the only reason you want a demo is so you can play it sooner. There is really no need for a crysis 2 demo, It has already hyped up a lot and you'd be hard pressed to find a gamer that hasn't heard of it, It's going to sell a lot on the release day and really If it gets really good reviews and the people who bought it said it lived up to the hype it will sell legendarily well. So really if they do make a demo it won't really help sales and if your hoping to play it and then get them to change things you don't like about the finished game, they won't be able to change anything major so whats the point of a demo to test it a month or less before release. I for one am content to wait an extra month for the release other than getting a demo a bit before. :\ Having a demo factored a lot in 2003 but not any more where we have youtube, loads of gaming expos, written reviews, video reviews and most importantly: word of mouth. Remember demoing is also counted as playing at a gaming expo or playing on a beta so really they have demoed it to us, maybe not on the finished code but thats why we have reviewers, trailers, previews and the community to tell us how its going.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:32 am

This is my first post, pls understand :D

I find this topic to be enlightening and the posters to be quite keen in wanting a demo. I can understand that some of you really want to play crysis2 as early as possible. but as mentioned by this poster:

Black_Angel 6.66
For those who want to go deeper, the select few might have the opportunity to test it themselves. But that still remains to be seen. That is only one of the purposes of a demo, the rest is up to you.

and he's very right, only "some" to keep it hyped.

And this person says:
"There is really no need for a crysis 2 demo", and he's absolutely wrong. Reviews and videos will not prove anything without first hand experience. Just watching those videos and reading these topics is already mouth watering. You really can't prove anything if your going to say something like that here.

And this person says:
This is particularly correct, and it would do console players a favour. Because it is Cryteks first console game, using crysis. And the word is already out for a Crysis 2 demo, now all we have to do is do our best. I didn't suddenly just love crysis to see it not have a demo. for crysis 2, and to all may crysis 2 be with you. !

It would seem that this person is defending, even though its getting rough.

All in short, We need a Demo.
I speak on behalf of those who need to feel rather than see.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:32 am

We REALLY need demo and for sure Crysis 2 need it too. I seriously looking for multiplayer beta for PC, bugs and disbalance must be almost eliminated before release of this game. If Crytek can made game with quality like Blizzard, I will take off my hat, but if not it can be problem.
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Hope Greenhaw
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:01 am

THIS IS THE TRUTH, a demo is what y'all fans and pc experts need. If you keep yapping like this, ya probably not going to go nowhere.. peace bra!! and for those who love crysis and crysis 2, Crytek, the guys who made me love crysis, love ya work. my laptop is burning to play it again for part 2!!!!
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Tanya Parra
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:29 am

Guys, pls be nice.
My first post is to help this topic. And yes, I like playing crysis from bloody time to time. :)
This topic is about the need of a demo for crysis 2, am i right? If so, it must be truly necessary for this spectacular game to have a test run some time soon. I played Killzone 2 and 3 and it was good. But when I witnessed my big brother playing crysis, I was bewitched in an instant, so i played crysis and still find the experience jolly breathtaking; even though I just playing in a borrowed computer. The demo for crysis 1 did get a lot of attention, when i checked ea games, and I'm suspecting it will be the same for its sequel crysis 2. It should be one breathtaking experience once more. To play it as pioneers would be greater.
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Amanda Furtado
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:43 pm

i second the notion for a demo, simply because i wanna see how the game looks on 360 but will not buy two versions of the game, and i have to buy the pc version for the editor already. so thanks in advance.

or, you know, you could just do another MP test and this time allow me on board ;-)
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Harinder Ghag
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:32 pm

Reviews and videos will not prove anything without first hand experience.
Good point, every reviewer tells me COD games are great but I've played MW1 and after that I just don't care for another two almost identical experiences - cause that's what MW2 and BO look like to me. Similarity to existing games has already been pointed out by a lot of people, talking about Crysis 2. I don't share this opinion but if people get the idea that there's not enough to set this game apart from others and a potential customer reads a review that says "GREAT GAME but it's just like xyz", that's one less copy sold. Since Crysis 2 is pretty much sure to become quality entertainment you cannot go wrong with a demo and personally, when I see a new demo on Marketplace I immediately like the developer and franchise more just for being transparent, for putting their product out there for me to test before I buy it.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:46 am

To avoid another spam attack:

Thanks [InternetWhiteKnight] for pointing that out, I never meant for this thread to go a stray. But with feedback like the one's before you, I can already see how this is turning out. :) Though the support on this thread has been rough lately, all I can say is thanks for your support and views, it's all I can ever ask for.

As for those who seem to want this thread to be strayed or die. This is what I have to say, I appreciate your feedback and sight on this, but if this is a personal issue against you, pls try to keep your emotions in check.

A demo is now up to you, not me. That is what I have to say.

If you're reading this, then your part of this.
This is Black_Angel 6.66, fighting for a C2 demo.
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Kristina Campbell
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:53 am

No one has attacked anybody or has let their emotions out of check :\
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Johanna Van Drunick
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:42 am

oops wrong post
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Kayla Oatney
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:41 pm

If crysis make a console only demo, watch pc sales plummet to the hundred thousand levels :P
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:59 pm

I've only one thing to say !

Crytek release a demo or I boycott the game ! (Lol)
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