So far in the trailers i have only seen him using a turret on a car.
If the developers want an open world new york, I think pilotable AERIAL vehicles are a must. VTOLs especially, I want to see those return in the second game.
be even cooler if we could get some drivable alien vehicles/exosuits.
Alien suits would be awseome. There probably will be some arial vehicles, though i do hope that the levels are more open than the ones shown in the previews
I'm just waiting paitiently to see what we do get, I hope we get some tanks also, as that would be cool, but yea would go nuts for another Vtol battle,
We know we got two types of helicopters by now. We got an apache helicopter, and a security transport helicopter.
The Vtols were a special forces weapon, so we don't know if they are making a comeback. Chances are that the team was scratched when 2/5 of it died and prophet defied orders to stay on the aircraft carrier.