Crysis: Vocaloid (Xbox Live) [VCLD]

Post » Tue Oct 23, 2012 6:56 pm

I, Kaito Shion, will begin recruitments for Crysis Team Vocaloid. I'll be leader of the group, but this leadership will be in co-op (only in 2 will be co-op leaders). The team will take place in instant actions, objectives, and repel any attack from an unknown enemy. This team is now open for recruitments, and here's the guidlines:
- You must be very active Xbox Live member (if is said that you have to be a Gold Premium Member, please do so).
- Gamertags can be matched or current characters with Vocaloid. Be a fan or be familiar with this series.
-You don't have to change your gamertag into a Vocaloid character, just as long as you put [VCLD] to represent the team just as long as what Vocaloid character you've became. Guest Vocaloids or any other collaborated Vocaloid characters will be accpeted just as long as you've stay in character status. I'll re-post it for new character positions.
- Play as teams in Team Instant Action and other team objectives.

Here are the list of positions with Xbox Live gamertag:

Meiko Sakine, CRV1:
Kaito Shion, CRV2: KaitoShion CRV2 (co-op leader)

Hatsune Miku, CVO1:
Kagamine Rin, CV02:
Kagamine Len, CV02:
Megurine Luka, CV03:

Kamui Gakupo, DEN2:
Megpoid: GUMI, DEN2:
Sonika, DEN2:

Miki, SFA2:
Lily, SFA2:

Piko Utatane, VY1:

This is an introduction to Team Vocaloid of Crysis. Hope that you'll be part of the team.
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Talitha Kukk
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Joined: Sun Oct 08, 2006 1:14 am

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