Crysis Warhead on Consoles?

Post » Mon Nov 28, 2011 10:45 pm

Does anyone else want Crysis Warhead on consoles? I as a PS3 gamer as well as a PC gamer would really like to see it come to consoles. I think it would fit perfectly since original Crysis just came out on consoles with the improved controls and of course running on Cryengine 3. It would make perfect sense IMO for Crysis Warhead to come to consoles also but I haven't heard anything about it (except Cevat saying there were no plans). What do you guys think?
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Lori Joe
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Post » Mon Nov 28, 2011 7:31 pm

It would make sense to focus on the PC again and get back to the roots of the company by improving the technology instead on focussing to convert old PC games for old consoles.
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Carlos Rojas
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Post » Mon Nov 28, 2011 6:22 pm

It would make sense to focus on the PC again and get back to the roots of the company by improving the technology instead on focussing to convert old PC games for old consoles.

Not happening

Crytek is becoming a console focused company (look at Rysen)

Honestly if they become the new Bungie equivalent for Microsoft I'll be completely happy with it
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T. tacks Rims
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 3:54 am

theres more money to be made in consoles besides wont we all get crysis 3 anyways.
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Far'ed K.G.h.m
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Post » Mon Nov 28, 2011 5:44 pm

theres more money to be made in consoles besides wont we all get crysis 3 anyways.

of course we will

but unless it is a PC exclusive or a PC lead platform game that is subsequently reworked to fit on consoles then the PC elitists will never be happy
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Javier Borjas
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Post » Mon Nov 28, 2011 5:33 pm

Sorry but why should i buy a game that just ignores my 1000 € Hardware?

Its like buying a playstation 3 for playing Tetris.
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Donald Richards
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Post » Mon Nov 28, 2011 9:09 pm

for the same reason why roads are not built with a Ferrari in mind Boulder. Also...again....since there is more money to be made on Console either you adapt or you move to the nect PC centric studio.

If your phylosophy was right Crysis one (being a truly awesome game) would have sold a LOT more than it has and the franchise would have remained on PC.
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Scared humanity
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Post » Mon Nov 28, 2011 11:42 pm

Crysis 1 was actually a successful Pc game. It was no COD of course but it surely wasnt a disaster.
The Yerlis and Crytek in general said it many times since now... Crysis was a financial success.. the Cryengine 2 was the disaster as noone licensed it. The problem is that very few people could play C1 on release. Crytek made the mistake to release a game that even the most expensive hardware at the time coudlnt handle. Also the game was pisspoorly optimized ( Some guys at Crytek even confirmed that).
So the game got more popular 1-2 years after the the hardware catched up to it.

Also your advice to focus on a pc centric studio would be a good one if there was any who pushes the grfx like Crytek did.
Blizzard? Nah... they dont need new Engines or rendering techniques for roleplaying or strategygames.

First Epic (Megagames): Pushed the PC with Unreal until Unreal 2 ( at least the engine was from them).
Then Crytek with Crysis 2.. and now even the godfathers @ ID. Its just a shame!
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P PoLlo
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Post » Mon Nov 28, 2011 4:30 pm took Crysis 1 three years to reach the 3 million units mark and it took crysis 2 three months.

uhmmm as for your last statement....there's CD Projekt. There's DICE according to MMAMikey, The studio making Hard reset seems to be PC centric

Honestly I am sorry you are getting the short end of the stick like many others but sadly it's just the way it is....I know the feeling
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Nathan Barker
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 12:37 am

for the same reason why roads are not built with a Ferrari in mind Boulder. Also...again....since there is more money to be made on Console either you adapt or you move to the nect PC centric studio.

If your phylosophy was right Crysis one (being a truly awesome game) would have sold a LOT more than it has and the franchise would have remained on PC.
And yet Crysis 2 hasn't outsold it by any significant amount if at all, and it's a multiplatform game.

It really is just ignorance talking when console gamers think a PC-lead game wouldn't be better for them.
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 6:53 am

Whatever Crytek decides to do next I'm sure that it'll be good. But I really don't think that redoing Crysis Warhead on the Cryengine 3 would take that long and I know many people who would really like to see it happen. If you've actually played the original Crysis on console I'm sure you'd agree that it turned out great and Crysis Warhead coming to consoles would be very much appreciated.
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 3:34 am

uh...Crysis took three years, mikey, to get to the 3 million units sold (and that was including the random spikes after warhead and the crysis 2 announcement). Crysis 2 did that in 3 months.

if this was just ignorance talking then a ton more developers would go for the money and be PC centric...and they do not. Facts are with me mikey
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Laura Elizabeth
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 1:21 am

So heres one for you crimzon:

The consoles always benefit from the PC development (hardware -and softwarewise).
Or why do you think consoles adapted all the things that were successful on the pc ?
Internet Multiplayergaming for example... or hardware accelerated grfx? The PC was the platform were it was invented and tested before.
Before the Dreamcast ,Playstation2 and the Xbox who inherited PChardware and strenghts, consoles were nothing but homearcademachines.
So basically... consoles cant live without the PC. If the PC market dies.. consoles die. Or what do you think games were made on?
Even the most exclusive console title was developed on PCs... and if our progress comes to an halt.. yours will automatically also.
You do not have to believe me as i have no real facts to prove it. But its a causal chain that lasted for decades...
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Post » Mon Nov 28, 2011 9:03 pm

workstations, developement kits and actual gaming stations are not the same Boulder, and their markets are separate. Next generation will show us what the trend is now, until then less pc elitism would be nice
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Post » Mon Nov 28, 2011 7:33 pm

uh...Crysis took three years, mikey, to get to the 3 million units sold (and that was including the random spikes after warhead and the crysis 2 announcement). Crysis 2 did that in 3 months.

if this was just ignorance talking then a ton more developers would go for the money and be PC centric...and they do not. Facts are with me mikey

The console sales charts always show large spikes and then drop off to obscurity. The fact that Crysis 2 sold a lot in a few months is only relevant at all to your assertion if the sales continue, and not relevant to my point of PC-lead games being better at all.

PC-lead games make for better console games. It's a simple fact. The only thing that will happen as a result of a PC-lead game would be more sales on ALL platforms, as it'll simply be a better game.
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 7:27 am

opinions are like assholes...everyone is entitles to one
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 6:31 am

opinions are like assholes...everyone is entitles to one
Except it's not opinion. It's logic.

A game made up to PC specs will be good on PC and will only be limited by the console's hardware. The result will be that the game will obviously not look as good, and probably make use of effects such as fog to hide reduced draw distances or motion blur. However, it will have the features and gameplay of the PC version; this was done in Crysis on consoles and people love it apparently.

A game made to console specs will only be built to console specs. Therefore it will not make anything like full use of PC hardware, beyond making it look a little prettier in terms of textures. This is the case with many ported games and the general consensus is that they svck balls.

If making the game PC-lead benefits PCs and consoles, and making it console-lead only benefits consoles and is detrimental to PCs, logic says it should be PC lead in order to maximise sales.
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Bethany Watkin
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 4:44 am

theres more money to be made in consoles besides wont we all get crysis 3 anyways.

There is not more money coming from consoles...
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Post » Mon Nov 28, 2011 11:22 pm

uh...Crysis took three years, mikey, to get to the 3 million units sold (and that was including the random spikes after warhead and the crysis 2 announcement). Crysis 2 did that in 3 months.

if this was just ignorance talking then a ton more developers would go for the money and be PC centric...and they do not. Facts are with me mikey

Portal 2 sold more on PC? Crysis 1 sold 5 milion copies? I don't think that there is more money coming from consoles... It's just that most console players buy everything that you give them (like COD), while PC gamers think about what they are going to buy!
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Mike Plumley
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Post » Mon Nov 28, 2011 7:50 pm

Plus, people keep forgetting that consoles are actually two different platforms.

..and when you compare the sales of Crysis 1, you need to remember it was released with requirements ahead of its time. This is precisely the reason it took so long to get so many sales. It has nothing to do with being released only on PC.

PC gaming has a HUGE audience. They're just very picky and easy to piss off.
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 3:01 am


once again if this logic was so patently obvious every gaming studio would be lead platforming for PC to make more money.....aaaaaaaand they do not.

so either

A: they are morons and thus ignore this apprently obvious way to make more money


B: this logic is faulty and not logic at all thus it is not being followed.

Like it or not Mickey (and Andrey) Crytek is becoming a console centric company, and honestly I could not be bothered one way or the other. You can piss, moan, bich and rage as long as you like....but your time would probably be better spent on the DICE's forums right? OR CD Projekt's...

that said, (Mickey) a game possesses mechanics above whatever bar of mediocrity you want to set not because it was born from pc lead platformed project but because the studio behind is good.

then again I am wasting my breath -s- the glorious (and elitist) PC master race never truly listens
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Dominic Vaughan
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 7:50 am

i dont see why theyve changed the nanosuit for console by making speed mode affected by sprinting and strength mode by jumped etc why dont they just add these as a dpad button and change the other controls easy as???
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Post » Mon Nov 28, 2011 9:40 pm

i dont see why theyve changed the nanosuit for console by making speed mode affected by sprinting and strength mode by jumped etc why dont they just add these as a dpad button and change the other controls easy as???

they did want to allow you to use multiple modes at once but I guess they overlooked some very simple solutions....I am not sure why and with the vitriolic atmosphere here I doubt devs would answer us now
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 2:19 am


once again if this logic was so patently obvious every gaming studio would be lead platforming for PC to make more money.....aaaaaaaand they do not.

so either

A: they are morons and thus ignore this apprently obvious way to make more money


B: this logic is faulty and not logic at all thus it is not being followed.
Or, it takes extra time and effort to make a proper PC game, which they're unwilling to put in.
Your fallacious restriction of options doesn't speak highly of your own logic.

Like it or not Mickey (and Andrey) Crytek is becoming a console centric company, and honestly I could not be bothered one way or the other. You can piss, moan, bich and rage as long as you like....but your time would probably be better spent on the DICE's forums right? OR CD Projekt's...
I'm not moaning or biching, just pressing the valid point that a PC-lead game is better for everyone, whereas a console lead game is worse for PC players and no better or worse for console players. In all your replies you've done nothing but skirt around this issue.

that said, (Mickey) a game possesses mechanics above whatever bar of mediocrity you want to set not because it was born from pc lead platformed project but because the studio behind is good.

then again I am wasting my breath -s- the glorious (and elitist) PC master race never truly listens

First, notice I said 'features' not 'mechanics'. They are not the same thing. Features covers a wider range of things including server browsers and working squad systems, as well as deeper and more complex gameplay. Some console games do have these things, but they are a result of good developers staying good; most console games do not, because developers notice they can put less effort in and still make money on consoles.

But all of this is still irrelevant considering that my point is absolute. Pc-lead games are better for everyone whereas console games are worse for PC gamers and are neither better nor worse for console gamers. If you can actually dispute this then go ahead, otherwise feel free to continue calling us 'elitists'.. which by the way only means we have informed faith in better hardware, unlike most console users.
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 8:09 am

no Mickey, it is not worth my all

even if I brought a signed statement from Bioware, Bethesda, ID software, Valve and whatnot you would still go on arguing. Despite what you believe your point is not absolute. It assumes that developers like Bioware -for instance- or Bethesda who put INCREDIBLE amount of effort, manpower and resources in their massive games, are lazy because they do recognize there is more money in lead platforming for PC -you say it is irrefutable after all- and they are obviously not doing it. I mean the extra time and effort would result in more money right? So either they are truly lazy OR don't want to make more money............or, just maybe, you are wrong that that "extra money" is not really worth it at all, or even actually there for that matter.

but whatever Mickey keep arguing semantic, keep ignoring connotative meanings (lol that was actually priceless really) to try and make yourself look superior or more knowledgeable

truth is it's a battle you will never win
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