» Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:36 pm
I've played the game in 3rd person, and let me tell you, did not like it.
And here's what I think about TPS vs FPS, Third person shooters like Dead Space is fun cause, they're games built around the idea of having the camera behind you, but the problem with that kind of camera is:
#1 if you get the camera between something and the avatar, it does weird things like go through walls, avatars, ect.
#2 lets you kind of see what's coming from behind, not really realistic.
#3 if you're male, you don't really want to stare at some dude's butt the whole game, which is why in Mass Effect games I all ways pick Female, cause I much rather be looking at the back side of some chick than a guys butt.
Yes I see problems with TPS, but that does not mean I'm a FPS fanboy, every thing other than FPS must die kind of player, I enjoy all shooters, as long as they don't bore me.
But I do tend to play more FPS shooters than TPS cause I like the feel and how much more realistic they are, to look down the sights when I zoom, and have to watch my radar, and listen carefully for any one sneaking up on me, TPS kind of kill the thrill I get from killing some one from behind or, killing some one trying to sneak up on me, it's no fun if they know I'm there, or I know they're there.