1. New controls.

** Note for #1: Show the arc path for grenades, third-person shooters do this (Gears of War) and "Steady Aim" is for all players in multiplayer.
** Note for #3: Use the "Lean-and-Peak" from Medal of Honor (2010) and also have rolling like in Turok.
2. If you slide into someone, then they are stunned and/or knocked down.
3. AKIMBO guns - To balance: Can't mantle and longer reload.
4. Underbarrel flamethrower attachment. Heartbeat sensor attachment (GREAT AGAINST CLOAKED).
5. No texture pop-in on consoles please.
6. Steal Call of Duty's guns and put them in lol They have so many! You'd be a C.o.D. killer if you did this.

7. Nanovision (thermal vision) should show cloaked players.
8. Copy Brink's "S.M.A.R.T." (Smooth Movement Across Random Terrain) so you can parkour on walls.

9. C.o.D.'s killstreaks (no nukes) and custom for everyone. More manual killstreaks too, not a fan of AI gunships.
-------- No "Pro" status for each one, completely unfair. Just have it all unlocked.
-------- "Last Stand"
-------- Combat Intuition (Allows you to sense when an unseen enemy is about to fire at you. )
-------- Runner's High (Reload and throw grenades while sprinting.)