"Crysis 3" Wishlist

Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 11:17 am

Hello Crysis fans and gamers!

I have completed the campaign of Crysis 2 (on PC, extreme graphics) and it is very well done, I enjoyed it, it took me 8 hours to finish (this is special for FPS since Call of Duty), graphics are nice (even without DirectX 11 for now) and I'm gonna play it again. But I missed a lot of things...

First, where the hell are Nomad and Psycho? Why is Prophet the only character from the original Crysis? Because of the consoles (I don't want to start a "PC vs Console" thread, I own a XBOX 360)?
What I wish for the next Crysis (Crysis 3?) is the return of both main characters (Crysis, Crysis Warhead), not necessary as a playable character but they should have an important role... maybe something like the scene from Crysis 1, where you are in the ice/snow level and the aliens are attacking you and then Prophet comes back (you thought he was dead)... that was epic!
Alcatraz... yeah I disliked that he doesn't said anything in Crysis 2. I think he couldn't speak because he was more or less a dead man but with the Nanosuit he got a second chance to live. I would like to have a main character who talks with team mates... but there are also no team mates in Crysis 2 besides Chino but he is only a marine, not someone who also wears a Nanosuit like the beginning of Crysis 1 where you were in the plane with your squad (US Special Forces).

It seems like that Crysis 2 began with the end from Crysis 1 where Prophet went back to the island and then you play as him/Alcatraz. So the next Crysis should begin with the end of Crysis Warhead where Nomad and Psycho are talking together.
Because we now know the Aliens/Ceph are everywhere in the world, I would like to see more locations than just one city (doesn't mean New York was boring, it was stunning) all over the world, maybe like you play as Nomad in Los Angeles and later as Psycho in London maybe with some kind of flash back, don't know how to write it... you are Nomad, you play in Los Angeles and then you get pretty wounded by an alien attack or something like that and then you remember what Psycho said to you one week ago and then you jump to his point of view (perspective). Connections between the characters...

But most of the console players wouldn't give a sh*t about it because they didn't played Crysis and Crysis Warhead, but I want let you (Crytek) remember that because of us PC gamers you become famous and Crysis is now an important franchise, so please take care of peoples wishes for the next Crysis. I want to say/repeat that Crysis 2 is a really good game, I liked the not-so-open-world style mixed with the options from open world games (more than one way to do something, different tactics/paths) and the story and setting.

What you want to see in the next Crysis?
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chirsty aggas
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 10:43 am

I couldn't agree more. I just can't get over the fact that they just totally discarded Nomad and Psycho. Though I heard Crytek intends to close some plot holes through comics (though this seems really lame imo).

What would like to see in Crysis 3 is more of this Karl Ernst Rasch person. He only said like 2 sentances but his accent intrigues me...
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john page
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 12:05 pm

1- Silent protagonists are not interesting anymore. Many characters speak to Alcatraz but he didn't utter a word, as Chino once asked him :"The hell happened to you ?" Alcatraz just kept silent.
2- Less aliens, more human enemies.
I didnt like fighting against the Ceph. I want there are more levels in which you shoot the human enemies.
If the aliens look like humans (e.g the Helghans of Killzone series) then I would probably enjoy fhting them much more.

And to make it more exciting, there should be another human enemy. So Crysis 3 will have 3 enemies.

3- Some levels set in city (or cities, London, Paris, Sydney ...), some levels set in jungles like the original.
4- The levels are bigger.
5- The whole game is more open, less linear.
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jennie xhx
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 4:25 am

( i apologize for my English in the text, if there's gonna show up some wrong lines or something )
I really wanted that the main character had to talk, i really didn't liked that he was all parts silence (i'm going to search some topic about this, maybe there is an answer on question "why?"!) and yes...why only Prophet? where is Nomad, he survived, he did everything, and Psycho ?he survived ether, Crysis and Crysis warhead are the same game, but in crysis at the time you are nomad, but in warhead at the same time you play as Psycho, and this is the best idea, you could change some characters in net game, play at some part with one man, than with next one, no more needed or...when i finished the game, i already can tell what is gonna be on next one, i think there can be something about America, or other place, the new prophet in Marines body (that's what i hear at the end of the game, the prophet was somehow connected ,but not his body, psychically he is a live, he still is alive in kinda memories, and still sees all, like the guy who says everything in suit at the end, like..." now wee go to central park" that's the prophet who talks not the suit functions, his face showed up, first time when i saw the face of nanosuit function system, i thought, well....like i said, that it's suit talking, but at the same time i thought that's the prophet from the face, later this got approval, that prophet is alive, maybe, maybe in next crysis Prophet is united with marine, but...i can't imaginate it, how they gonna work, will prophet gonna talk in his place that others can hear ? or now he gained the control of the guy with suits power ? or now they are (again!) united and he talks, and you do, later...maybe you can find Nomad and psycho ,or just one of them, and where those flying aliens disappeared from CRYSIS original ? when i played CRYSIS 2, i saw some clips or movies, or something, where was said, that in 2021 was the year when first suit was putt in action or designed, than...new suit was built in 2027, codename/nickname "nanosuit2" witch is much better. All crysis games, parts were really fun and awesome, and they always are in first place with new technology, no one has engine like cryengine3, when new crysis is released or is in building status, the graphic card company's and other computer part company's are forced to do much to get the game working as much fps as they can get.
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Leonie Connor
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 1:48 am

Jesus, wall of text. Have you ever heard of "paragraph" ?
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 9:58 am

-More sandbox gameplay
-More human enemies
-More characters from first game
-Better textures
-Huge maps
-More vehicles that we can use like Helis and VTOLs.
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 9:38 am

Fewer bugs.
Working multiplayer.
And what Assassinswat said.
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Tania Bunic
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 6:32 am

I kinda like that the protagonist didn't speak in Crysis 2, it sort of allows you to fill the role better.
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George PUluse
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 2:43 pm

I want to hear this in CRYSIS 3! Prophet- I GOT YOUR BACKS!!! Nomad- Prophet!? Psycho- Boss! CRYTEK! BRING THEM BACK!!!
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Alexandra walker
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 6:36 am

crysis and crysis warhead storylines were just a weak try to explain why you are landing on a beautiful tropic isle beach again. i dont think that crytek had any reasons to continue sic original story. also its better for xbox and ps3 players.

i didnt finish single player campaign yet, i stoped playing on the levels with aliens, because i found that i can play multyplayer without bugfix :D but i think new prod is nice, as i know it was written by wellknown science fiction writer. what surprised me most is optimisation of single player campaign and awesome performance even on my non-top system xD everything is stylish and looks really awesome

the reason why i bought the game is multyplayer. realise bugs are ok, as i know crytek is working on it and next patch will fix the most annoying problems. i played a lot and i can say that i love crysis 2 multyplayer, well done crytek ^.^

i wish crytek wont forget about comunity - free mappacks, new gamemodes, weapon types etc
y, it would be great to see vehicles in multyplayer =)
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Jacob Phillips
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 12:55 pm

Free map packs - nope, probably not.

New game modes/weapons - perhaps, but not free

Vehicles in multiplayer - If you can find a map in multiplayer so far that has space for vehicles I'd be very surprised.
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His Bella
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 6:02 am

I know that I will have to pay even for mappacks. its a trend and effective way to earn money.
What I really want is well-done product, that will cost it's price. It's became popular to release only first half of the game and sell another half later. "New dlc announced" >.< so sad.
Ahahha, I know that maps are too small. I doubt that they will ever do it, but you cant forbid me to dream about it >:D
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sally R
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 4:42 pm

what do I want from Crysis 3 ?

for it to stay away from the PC
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IsAiah AkA figgy
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 12:38 am

-More sandbox gameplay
-More human enemies
-More characters from first game
-Better textures
-Huge maps
-More vehicles that we can use like Helis and VTOLs.

dude thats basicly crysis wars
just play that :)
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Kelly John
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 5:15 am

1: the original nanosuit back
2: Open enviroments
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Andy durkan
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 2:56 am

Not sure if I will buy Crysis 3. Crytek really under-did themselves for once. Well done! You guys have come so far since Far Cry.

How Crytek decided to make Crysis 2:

  • Ooh! Look at Halo and how linear it is.
  • Ok maybe our AI needs to be a bit dumber because aiming with a gamepad is more difficult after all.
  • Wow that Modern Warfare game seems to have made a lot of money. Condering you can't do it with consoles anyway; let's just ditch LAN.
  • Considering we are targetting the XBox, PS3 and PC lets design our engine for the least common denominator. Pretty graphics are in; but expansive environments are not possible.
  • We are getting really comfortable with EA. Sure guys you can write our game activation code!
  • Power-jump combos are too difficult to pull of because most console gamers have never played Tekken or MK (ed: wait! what? that doesn't make sense. exactly) so lets just have long press combos.

So what I want to see from Crysis 3? Hit CTRL+Z a few times then come up with real ideas. Revolutionary ideas like those in Crysis (like the nanosuit). That and l2notsignwithEA.
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 7:44 am

-More sandbox gameplay
-More human enemies
-More characters from first game
-Better textures
-Huge maps
-More vehicles that we can use like Helis and VTOLs.

dude thats basicly crysis wars
just play that :)
Thats what I do :)
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 8:44 am

crysis 2 isnt finishg jet.... and you think about crysis 3
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Sophie Louise Edge
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 3:19 am

Large bosses.
I mean, the Pinger was big, but even if compared with the Hunter he looks so tiny, let alone the Warrior.
That was probably the main thing I didn't like about the Campaign, aswell as the lack of an Endboss.
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Emilie Joseph
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 1:54 pm

I agree, the Boss fights are important. I found the Pinger fun to fight but was easily defeated. I am no Super Soldier by no means. Alot of game developers could learn a thing or two about boss fights from developers like I.D. (for example: Boss fights like in Doom 3 + expansion Res from Evil + Quake).
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Kate Norris
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 4:30 am

Not sure if I will buy Crysis 3. Crytek really under-did themselves for once. Well done! You guys have come so far since Far Cry.

How Crytek decided to make Crysis 2:

  • Ooh! Look at Halo and how linear it is.
  • Ok maybe our AI needs to be a bit dumber because aiming with a gamepad is more difficult after all.
    That's got nothing to do with the AI, there's really no logical connection between aiming capability and how intelligent enemies are.
  • Wow that Modern Warfare game seems to have made a lot of money. Condering you can't do it with consoles anyway; let's just ditch LAN.
    What are you on about? Black Ops on consoles has LAN and works fine.
  • Considering we are targetting the XBox, PS3 and PC lets design our engine for the least common denominator. Pretty graphics are in; but expansive environments are not possible.
  • We are getting really comfortable with EA. Sure guys you can write our game activation code!
  • Power-jump combos are too difficult to pull of because most console gamers have never played Tekken or MK (ed: wait! what? that doesn't make sense. exactly) so lets just have long press combos.

So what I want to see from Crysis 3? Hit CTRL+Z a few times then come up with real ideas. Revolutionary ideas like those in Crysis (like the nanosuit). That and l2notsignwithEA.
'Power mode' works alot better than the radial menu, and has been expressed by multiple people. PC gamers on the whole seem to just love unnecessary complexity because it makes them feel 'L33t'
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Cameron Wood
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 2:14 pm

old nano suit controls were extremely hard to use
i can remember that i tryed this menu during first 10 minutes of the game, then engaged armor and forgot about it. i love new hotkeys, rly usefull.
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Chris Duncan
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 7:07 am

'Power mode' works alot better than the radial menu, and has been expressed by multiple people. PC gamers on the whole seem to just love unnecessary complexity because it makes them feel 'L33t'

Meh, "Power mode" is "working" better because you only have to keys/buttons. And I am pretty sure Crytek did this because the wheel would be indeed difficult to handle with a gamepad.
I, on the other hand, thought it was pretty easy to use. Just put the weel on the middle mouse button and everything works just fine.

And it surely did not make me feel "L33T", I just used it and everything was fine. Now I am missing the possibilities the old system gave me and I was more than one time pissed because simple (and slooow) running used up all my energy and because the "power mode" which made me send things into an low earth orbit is now replaced by a lame "power kick" which will not even make a car sliding 3 meters.

Just because I have more than the few gamepad buttons at hand and are able to use them does not mean I want things more complicated than usual. But hey, if you think the game is too hard and complicated you might look forward to Crysis 3 "Maximum Simplification" - a nice and easy little rail shooter which will use only one gamepad button to proceed to the next cutscene.
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Luis Reyma
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 5:35 am

I really want to play as Nomad and Psycho and I think when they would make something like an intro or maybe a "deja-vu" mission from Crysis and/or Crysis Warhead including some flashbacks and information about those characters, console players are gonna be happy. Don't forget who maked your original game (Crysis) so popular by creating mods and other stuff... even today many people prefers that 2007 game over Crysis 2 in terms of graphics and gameplay. Don't forget us, the PC gamers!

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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 7:00 am

Meh, "Power mode" is "working" better because you only have to keys/buttons. And I am pretty sure Crytek did this because the wheel would be indeed difficult to handle with a gamepad.
I, on the other hand, thought it was pretty easy to use. Just put the weel on the middle mouse button and everything works just fine.

I bought a 40" LCD TV, hooked my rig up in the living room and got me a wireless xbox 360 controller for my PC, I sit on the couch and played the whole Crysis with the 360 control and wheel menu worked AWESOME (LT to bring up wheel menu, right stick to select -- I just had 2 mod 1 button for prone) -- The wheel menu CAN work on a gamepad -- and on the PC I used the keyboard shortcuts (double tap) for the suit... I just didn't like the jump before Maximum Strength activates ...

And no, I dont always use a gamepad for FPS -- Just when i want a casual game .... But i just had to see Crysis in 40" with all it's glory...
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