[BUG ISSUE]Crysis won't remember my Limited Edition Bonuses

Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:52 pm

hi everyone, hope you dont have the same annoying problem i do!

everytime i startup crysis2 i log in etc and then theres this "red warning/info popup" telling me what i get for havin the LE. ok. fine till now, i go to my scar setup and choose the urban camo, then i join a game, i got the urban camo for the first game i play, after that my scar wep set is all **** up: my secondary wep is showed in place of my primary (doesnt do any difference ingame though, i can use my set properly) and i cannot choose the scar skin anymore and its not there until i restart my game and play the first game i log into...

very annoying, i dont think im earning any bonus xp as well, im lvl 48 now, so i thought its time to talk about that issue xDD

so far

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Dalton Greynolds
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:32 am

I have the same red announcement, though my bonus foofoo seems to still be there... I'm sorry I'm not much help here as I only play Assault Mode so I pretty much ignore all the upgrade stuff I get; but I can corroberate you're not the only one with this problem.

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Far'ed K.G.h.m
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:09 am

I'm facing the same issue. That red pop up appears everytime I login to multiplayer. And when I'm done playing a game or two I'm back to a rank less than 5 with all my unlocked stuff gone. It only appears when I quit and then re-enter multiplayer but its all again locked when I join a game. With this issue, I really feel there was no point in getting the limited edition. The regular edition would have sufficed as well considering that I'm playing without the limited edition unlocks despite having that edition !!!
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Jesus Sanchez
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:05 pm

Well the Hologram Decoy is always nice to keep around, I have the exact same issue, but for some reason the Hologram Decoy is always there, the urban camo and the "start as level 5 with all classes unlocked already" never worked for me, even when my display said i was level 5 after any match it'd take me back to 1, and i never had the chance to use any other default class that wasn't Assault, yeah, the game is one hell of a pain when it comes to bugs but i still love it, i'm up to level 27 now and, well, so far so good, only issue i have now is the progression bug...I've already got around 600 kills with my Scar, yet, my Scar kill counter stopped right at 461, that and a bunch of other stuff that won't unlock, either way, as of right now it seems almost pointless to have bought the Limited Edition, for we really only got a not-so-good looking Dog Tag, an unfunctional camo, and the only good thing about it seems the Holo decoy.
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Wayne Cole
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 8:46 pm

You might want to retitle your topic post Failmaaaan, with some sort of prefix like "[Issue]" so the topic gets notice by Crytek for what it is not disregarded as User error.

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Peter P Canning
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:35 am

i will try to do that :)
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Elizabeth Falvey
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