Work-around in first post fixed this for me, and also seems to have fixed a disconnect issue I was seeing (too early to be sure). The key is definitely saved now though. Thank you very much for providing help!
At this time, this resolve is not working for me, but i am still patient, and checking in daily, (if my Cd Key is in use) can you please find whose using it and smack the back of his/her head for me, lmao Seriously, patience will surely be rewarded. ty
I think you can't expect to let the whole gaming community read through a whole forum of 14 pages to get a fix for their personal problems. The page that got me here said "serial code in use fix" and I'd like to really get an easy fix for this issue because I just got this game after the first patch and its multiplayer is still not functioning ? This is a realease not a beta. I'm getting the feeling that I'll be the dumb one having bought a game with a broken multiplayer key or something in a certain way. You even lied about your "fix" so I'd really like to know a honest way to resolve this issue.
fix worked for me, but now i cannot join any server but "instant action"....... i think there is a lesson to all of us: NEVER NEVER NEVER buy a game at day 0.....
Click multiplayer >Enter cdkey > Click singleplayer >Click multiplayer.. Does Not Work for me. When I click multiplayer for the second time, I do not get the option to input the cdkey, just loads up multiplayer.
I'll take a stab and say that it's because I purchased via Steam.
well what is you cant even click on multiplayer without it freezing up instantly and my rig could run 10 of these games at once so no one start bashiing can you run it if the console can run it y cant a dell from 2003 run it or a gateway for 99 well i am not saying that is what i have just pointing things out so if anyone else is having the same issue then please let me know if you wouldnt mind