» Thu Dec 31, 2009 8:04 am
If we are using this thread to notify Crytek of issues the Xbox users are facing....there are a few things.
I am 100% sure you already are aware of these issues, but I figured I would atleast post them so it is documented....
1. There is definitely an issue with the sound....something is happening when the MP game is loading, the music goes from normal, to really loud. This has never happened before with any games that I own. I did not notice this in-game.....but almost always while the next map was loading.
2. MP is experiencing definite lag issue....I have FIOS my connection is 25/25 (down/up), I should never see a red bar....and if people in my room don't have the same connection....people with my type connnection should get host to keep the game lag free.
3. Something happened last night in a game on Lighthouse, I was using the FELINE, no attachments Sprinted, slide.....then I was stuck with the "click RS to Zoom" on my screen even when I wasn't using the LT to look down my sights.....I usually saw this when I was using a Sniper Rifle.....however the FELINE is a Sub Machine Gun. IDK what happened.....but I couldn't use any of my kill streak bonuses. I had retreiver, armor enhance and something else equipped. Sorry I couldn't be more descriptive....to help you troubleshoot....but that is all I have so far.
The game is great, but I can say that because I have an understanding of what the game can be.....I really hope you guys patch the issues being experienced not only by me but by the community as well.....