» Thu Dec 31, 2009 8:31 am
Are you a idiot? Autoexec.cfg is NOT a hack! It's a performance tweak. I don't have flash player installed because i don't need it but i think you are confusing configs that are for graphic performance for single player and cannot be USED for Multiplayer because it's LOCKED!
He must be using a paid hack?
I'll have to install flash and judge that video for myself and get back.
r_FSAA is for AA i believe. What has that to do with anything?!
Full Screen Anti-Aliasing
r_FSAA - There are three settings starting with r_FSAA which control Full Screen Anti-Aliasing (FSAA) in Crysis: r_FSAA controls whether Antialiasing is being used (= 1) or not (= 0); r_FSAA_samples determines the actual sample rate of Anti-Aliasing; r_FSAA_quality determines the quality mode, affecting the overall type of Anti-Aliasing used in conjunction with the sample rate. Ideally you should alter these settings using the in-game Anti-Aliasing Quality setting, since the sample rate and mode values differ depending on both the type of graphics hardware you're running, and whether you're using DX9 or DX10
You sir fail. That's not a hack. Where the hell you think r_FSAA is a hack? Man you're either a troll or idiot!
Hence why I used quotes and I was limited by the number of text so I needed something simple, anyway I changed the title. Go test it the commands on MP if you want because I'm not going to.
I was using "r_FSAA=1" as an example for a command