Please help me find out. I didn't use 'nanosuit reboot' for few months. How did it happen? I need support from developers. (some images below)
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File comment: Basic modules have reset! Why ?! Crysis2 2013-02-18 02-17-28-34.jpg [ 92.16 KiB | Viewed 1 time ] |
File comment: Those modules are freezed. Uff, but I lost my Air Stamp, it's really hard to get third level of it!! ;/ Crysis2 2013-02-18 02-17-24-11.jpg [ 91.06 KiB | Viewed 1 time ] |
File comment: 50 level, but in real 5 level. WTF? Crysis2 2013-02-18 02-15-52-56.jpg [ 106.58 KiB | Viewed 1 time ] |