Meh, steam doesnt seem to be be offering too much for Crysis 2... I think I will just preorder from the EAStore to get the additional bonuses from them.

Is EA's digital download service any good?
What are the ea store exclusive offers. I also want to know how good is their store
A gold dogtag frame, Desert SCAR camo and early access to the threat module that highlights bullet trails (this one is also available in other locations). As for how good the EA Store is well.. its nowhere near as reassuring as the Steam Store is. Crysis 2 is my first purchase from there so I cant really say. After pre ordering Crysis 2 from the EA Store I got an email confirmation of my purchase and thats it really. It isnt showing up at all in the EA Download Manager in my order history. I also have no code or anything of the sorts for the EA Store exclusives so I dont know if they are going to be automatically added to my game or what.
As for the pricing its £30 in the UK Steam Store which is around $48.