Yes they did it again! Not that they learned something from FarCry(best hackable game ever) or Crysis (dam , I just gave the best hackable titel to an other game - so well thats 2nd place) - NO. I guess they will NEVER LEARN how to establish and maintain a WORKING anti Cheat detection. STEAM HAS VAC ! so if you CANT do it better - just USE something which has already proven. Well - even VAC is not perfect - but Crysis2/crynet AntiCheat does NOT exist (better you stick to that than trying to tell people you "tried" something).
Again I wasted 50bucks. I loved Crysis so much.... thank you for a perfect destruction of my belives in the trademark(s) of crytec.
...and again my only hopes for a good FPS goes to Battlefield 3 and my ass back to glorious fields of BFBC2.
403 has left the building.