I can tell you as a clan member of 10 years (reunion this summer) we have always made gaming apart of our social calander even though we all spend time doing the regular things like dinners, sporting events, bbq's etc etc etc. Why is it that I still have to fight to join a server with my friends and play with them? Why after all these years I cannot join a group and then as a group join a server to then play? OR at the very least be on the same team. Not every clan wants to do matches and practices matches. Not every GROUP of friends even consider themselves to be clan... just a group of buddies that like to play games together and this is especially true of the older gamers.
You will find these demographics have less time to play the games and would rather waste less time TRYING to play the game and eventually just move on due to frustration and what really ends up being a big question mark as to why the game dev crew never considered making this part of gaming simple. I am quite honestly at a loss... even now I join a server a friends is playing on (IF i can get on and IF i have the patience to try and join the server 30 times) until i can finally connect only to randomly be playing against my buddies instead of WITH my buddies.
Social networking fellas.... its a simple concept that reaches even into a game server.
If infinity could get half way there with the friends meeting up to game... why can't anyone seem to complete the puzzle. I'd rather waste 2 hours playing with my buddies than 10 minutes TRYING to play with them.
Hope this strikes a note with someone.
Great game however... it's what I expected the crysis 1 to be. Nano suit adrenaline packed goodness. Excuse us as we put the kids and wives to bed... some of us can't game all night long!