Doom 3 - good linear shooter for the years it was released. completed twice
Half Life 2 - frankly i still think this linear shooter has the best story line and atmospheric gameplay of all FPS i ever played. completed 3 times
FarCry - unfortunately i played this game just 2 years ago. didn't find anything exclusive and attractive in this game except VERY hard to survive on the highest difficulty lvl. i should admit this game was the most difficult one i played since Doom2
Half Life 2 episodes - the same sh1t with original Half Life 2. the best gameplay ever. completed twice
STALKER - very good atmospheric gameplay. non-linear that is huge plus. completed once
CoD:MW - new example howshould linear shooter look like. awesome action gameplay, good storyline
BFBC2 - moderate gameplay. i would say, this game is in my hit-list only becouse SP is just a little better then normal (but MP is the best =P). completed once
MW2 - god of modern linear shooter IMHO. that's the way linear shooters should be made. completed 3 times. plan to complete once more
Metro 2033 - just good atmospheric linear shooter. completed once
Crysis 2 - poor console port. gameplay a little better then BF:BC2. completed once
Crysis and Crysis Warhead - bought 4 disks (2 on native russian, 2 on original english). Completed a little more then 10 times. no more comments needed
Crysis 3 - ?