think twice before one
maybe its to late but who know maybe not
maybe is bad , maybe is good
maybe stuppid , maybe not
Am programer for other thing not for game but
I think maybe is this option help I don't know = you Assessment ?
protect crysis 2,3 etc mp game
who use cheat or hackname in game no kick from players ( f1) no more !
server need immediatley kick and reporting to you
or you must see where from what server come -
if this just gamer or realy use cheat or is hacker
than u ban acount serial for one week .
there is option = IF three(3) times ( every week )
that persons use again cheat he losing serial not just serial
he losing everything account name pasword and mail for all time.
Than he must buy new Crysis game in store or from EA site
and must create new account again for loging
because his lose old serial and everything information of him.
when first time activate game
no change nick name, pasword or ( email+just if need ),
but need prove to why ,if he,she attacked by hacker
Than must prove to you where he buy yrs dvd to give him new serial
because he buy your orginal game from you
but that old serial who was attacked and hacker use this serial
must be locked ( deactivated )
"everyone must have just same power stealth and armor in game"
like in classic mode
someone lvl 1 to 50 have speed or armor or stealth like SUPERMAN and
someone the same lvl 1 to 50 and have speed or armor or stealth like TURTLE
Give Free new MP maps ( for Fresher In MP )
balanced ping like in demo when was played ,
no kick from server because low or high ping
server needs controlling because some server not take care
sorry for my bad language i think that you understood what
I think to say about and long time playing your MP game