2) Look at the draw distance on console SP, you get texture pop ins and poor framerate even on the single player. What you seek to use as evidence just proves the consoles are on their limit.
With those visuals (which are good) the consoles suffer some pretty obvious drops in performance. They could not make use of bigger maps than they already have in MP.
Ofc. they can make or just use larger maps, what you have in game now doesn't prove that console can't have larger maps than MP now. Graphic engine and can be modified in many various ways to create maps which won't cause massive graphic lag. Simply by reducing amount of textures/shadows/objects displayed beyond your field of view will drastically increase performance. Bigger maps thats not a problem on consoles and that a fact, other fact is that they didn't need bigger maps since idea was to create fast and intense PvP in multi.
PS. Read my answer in this post to "Osok"

It would be perfectly possible for the nanosuit to be used well in open areas as it was in Crysis 1.. In fact, if the areas weren't so damn small we could have some proper maximum speed. The vertical areas are nice, but would have been better if we had battlefield sized maps instead of CoD sized maps.
First of all there is plenty room on MP maps to use speed mode from C1.
Second, it make you dead after one dash because you gonna lose whole energy after 2sec.
Third, this is not C1 [period]
..and I absolutely **** guarantee you the extra features would have sold more than the gamepad compatibility has. You forget, most of the PC crowd have some experience with Crysis 1. There is no way they were buying this game with the intention of plugging in a controller.
I said some people which is supported even by some posts here on gamesas from people who said that they switched from Consoles to PC for C2 and use pad's. Anyway still i don't see problem in using any idea which can make product more attractive, this is business for **** sake.
Your logic fails. The fact that the game was made to console standard and not significantly improved for PC is evidence enough that it is just a console game. I don't see how you can legitimately argue with this point. It's not a matter of what platform you're using, but the fact you're playing a game primarily developed for console use.
Not improved for PCs? Are you f.. blind?! o.O Most of the aspects of C2 graphic surpass C1 graphic which was best looking game and at some point still is. And this game wasn't developed primarily for console use, it was and it is a multi-platform architecture which can using same source code work on 3 platforms in same REAL time.
I take it you never played Crysis?
I did thats why i am asking what f.... "intelligent suit management", C1 suite management was broken, and C2 proves it very well.
In Crysis you had to get real skillful at using the radial menu, and choose between offence and defence, as well as cloak and protection. While the streamlining of powers has made the suit more versatile, it also makes it incredibly noob-friendly, and as such adds very little to the game.
Ahh now i know that "intelligent suit management" is your own idea. Well there was nothing "intelligent" in suit management, it was broken "half-baked" system which was fixed in C2, same with Visor which finally in C2 become useful.
your assumption that maps are small because of consoles is just ridiculous to the bone
You're ridiculous to the bone.
Ohh don't worry I have a source to back my claim up: http://botchweed.com/game-news/dice-explains-reason-for-smaller-maps-in-console-version
Did you read that? No? Let me help you...
"For the PC, you can have 64 player games, but for the consoles you can only have a modest 24 players in a match."
Thats 16 players more than in Crysis 2, which can suggest that maps will be way larger than Crysis 2 has now.
Wait wait what your saying, consoles can't have larger maps that C2??? haha in your face.-------
Some people choose some side, better or not, they are devoted to something. You on another hand are just plain moron who use in same sentence words "i like crytek" and "they fail", and in many various ways prove that being senseless troll is what you generally do in life.