Crytech I have a solution to boost sales on the PC

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:35 am

Maybe they are waiting for Brink to release before they release a big patch to try and crush Brink? :D And bring everyone back to Crysis 2.

We can always hope.
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Rachel Briere
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:08 pm

Actually Crysis 2 was not a console port. It was a game designed to be played on a windows based machine such as a high end gaming pc. They then took the same concept and applied to to the console making it look like a port when it really wasnt. NomadLives you should really read up on the posts crytech did a few months before release. As for someone that has to use foul language in there posts must really show some intelligence due to lack of vocabulary in such a feeble mind.

This man, has no understanding of what a console port is.
Definition: A game which does not fully utilise the capabilities of modern day computer technology due to limitations of console equipment essentially being enforced on the computer release.

Whether Crytek made it on PC and gave it to the XBOX, made it on the PS3 and gave it to the PC or did them all at once makes no difference, fact is, IT DOESN'T USE PC HARDWARE OPTIMALLY, IT LACKS THE MAXIMUM GRAPHICAL POTENTIAL THAT IT WOULD BE AT HAD IT NOT BEEN PRODUCED FOR CONSOLES AND IT LOOKS WORSE THAN CRYSIS 1. IT IS A PORT!!

A port is when you develop a game for a certin platform, write code spefically for that platform, and later "port" all that code to another platform, making adjustments to fit the said platform.
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Alina loves Alexandra
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:51 pm

Actually Crysis 2 was not a console port. It was a game designed to be played on a windows based machine such as a high end gaming pc. They then took the same concept and applied to to the console making it look like a port when it really wasnt. NomadLives you should really read up on the posts crytech did a few months before release. As for someone that has to use foul language in there posts must really show some intelligence due to lack of vocabulary in such a feeble mind.

This man, has no understanding of what a console port is.
Definition: A game which does not fully utilise the capabilities of modern day computer technology due to limitations of console equipment essentially being enforced on the computer release.

Whether Crytek made it on PC and gave it to the XBOX, made it on the PS3 and gave it to the PC or did them all at once makes no difference, fact is, IT DOESN'T USE PC HARDWARE OPTIMALLY, IT LACKS THE MAXIMUM GRAPHICAL POTENTIAL THAT IT WOULD BE AT HAD IT NOT BEEN PRODUCED FOR CONSOLES AND IT LOOKS WORSE THAN CRYSIS 1. IT IS A PORT!!

A port is when you develop a game for a certin platform, write code spefically for that platform, and later "port" all that code to another platform, making adjustments to fit the said platform.

ie: crysis 2. the game itself is 100% developed on ps3/xbox, thats obvious, but the code is being moved over to PC on the fly when a console change is made. The only difference from most ports, is normally its ported after the game is finished. with crysis 2, its ported simultaneously.
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Daramis McGee
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:53 am

Did you guys not watch the CryEngine 3 videos? It's developed to make the game on all 3 platforms simultaneously hence the PC version is not a port just nerfed so it can run on consoles. PC only Dx 11 upgrades will fix this.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:24 am

Did you guys not watch the CryEngine 3 videos? It's developed to make the game on all 3 platforms simultaneously hence the PC version is not a port just nerfed so it can run on consoles. PC only Dx 11 upgrades will fix this.

Um.. no they won't.

DX11 patches will fix the visuals, which are already ok. It won't fix the small maps, small teams and loss of features from Crysis 1.

They made a mistake with thinking PC players would eat up this **** and love it. PC players wanted a sequel to Crysis.

The only way I can see Crytek fixing this is releasing a multiplayer expansion pack for PC. This way they could give us the things sorely lacking from the game as it is.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:51 am

Did you guys not watch the CryEngine 3 videos? It's developed to make the game on all 3 platforms simultaneously hence the PC version is not a port just nerfed so it can run on consoles. PC only Dx 11 upgrades will fix this.

It won't fix the small maps, small teams and loss of features from Crysis 1.

Sanbox 3 will fix this.
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Bee Baby
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:03 pm

Maybe if the game was fixed and hackers were banned, there would be no "QQ Threads"?
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Rebecca Clare Smith
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:10 am

Did you guys not watch the CryEngine 3 videos? It's developed to make the game on all 3 platforms simultaneously hence the PC version is not a port just nerfed so it can run on consoles. PC only Dx 11 upgrades will fix this.

It won't fix the small maps, small teams and loss of features from Crysis 1.

Sanbox 3 will fix this.

I hope so.

But I still find it unlikely we'll get the use of our fists back, or normal (non-power mode) sprint.

..But larger games would definitely be a start.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:00 am

I hope so.

But I still find it unlikely we'll get the use of our fists back, or normal (non-power mode) sprint.

..But larger games would definitely be a start.

Seriously if people are so obessed with using their fists as a melee why don't you just equip the C4 and run around boxing people? It works just like the fists. LOL. Pretty fun as well to be honest.

And yeah hopefully we'll get some modded servers that have the super speed like before with a normal sprint as well, there must be a way to mod those files for a server.
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Romy Welsch
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:02 am

Seriously if people are so obessed with using their fists as a melee why don't you just equip the C4 and run around boxing people? It works just like the fists. LOL. Pretty fun as well to be honest.
That's not the point. The PC lost cool features because of a gamepad. It's not about what we can do to make do. We can make do with just using power mode to sprint, but that doesn't change the fact it was a sellout move by Crytek.

We should be able to sprint normally while being shot. Only being shot while using power mode should leave you a sitting duck (and they only need that because console gamepads are **** for aiming).

And yeah hopefully we'll get some modded servers that have the super speed like before with a normal sprint as well, there must be a way to mod those files for a server.
I hope so. We should be able to choose when we activate suit modes, not be forced to use one because otherwise we can only walk.
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Trevor Bostwick
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:45 pm

Actually Crysis 2 was not a console port. It was a game designed to be played on a windows based machine such as a high end gaming pc. They then took the same concept and applied to to the console making it look like a port when it really wasnt. NomadLives you should really read up on the posts crytech did a few months before release. As for someone that has to use foul language in there posts must really show some intelligence due to lack of vocabulary in such a feeble mind.

This man, has no understanding of what a console port is.
Definition: A game which does not fully utilise the capabilities of modern day computer technology due to limitations of console equipment essentially being enforced on the computer release.

Whether Crytek made it on PC and gave it to the XBOX, made it on the PS3 and gave it to the PC or did them all at once makes no difference, fact is, IT DOESN'T USE PC HARDWARE OPTIMALLY, IT LACKS THE MAXIMUM GRAPHICAL POTENTIAL THAT IT WOULD BE AT HAD IT NOT BEEN PRODUCED FOR CONSOLES AND IT LOOKS WORSE THAN CRYSIS 1. IT IS A PORT!!

A port is when you develop a game for a certin platform, write code spefically for that platform, and later "port" all that code to another platform, making adjustments to fit the said platform.

By the conventional and technical definition yes but PC gamers rarely bother with the narrow scope of the traditional definition anymore :)
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Vickytoria Vasquez
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:36 am

Lol at the OP guy...

Like its all so easy right?
While we appreciate your input but no offence.. half, if not all, or your suggestions are common sense.
But easier said than done.

Business certainly does not work that way.

You pretty much said this...

1) Fix all problems
2) Make sure no one complains in public
3) Solve piracy and cheating.
4) Do market research..

= Mo' money..

now technically I cud also say this..

1) Make the game free
2) Make Crysis Real Life
3) Solve hunger and world peace
4) Get paid for playing

But not all realistic right? .. by suggesting to Fix all bugs in first place is virtually impossible. Like they programmed it to have bugs in first place and plan to release patches for the sake of it? Like they can solve cheaters and piracy like that.. if they did im sure theres a nobel prize for contribution to the world of business.
Listen to your community? thats called research... like they havn't done that already. You don't make anything blind to the your market.
Supress the complainers? sounds like communism now. And how do you get feedback if you dont get that?

PLUS! Major PLUS!... consider this one..

You can fix all them problems through act of some sort of miracle..
Doesn't mean more people will buy it because if a game svcks then it svcks. Period. End off. Full Stop.

Or.. they just prefer slaying trolls under a bridge on WoW. different peopel like different games. Your assuming everyone will buy it. Maybe they reached the total amount of interested customers. who said you can boost sales? Maybe people can't afford the £29.99 for it. or the game dosn't run good on their set up.. so many factors. Or they just prefer MW..

and FYI I love this game so I'm not implying it svcks..

Not trying to have a go at you here.. but your suggestions are all too simple. But ROCK SOLID to implement.. realistically. In the Real world.. In real business. Fo' real.

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maria Dwyer
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:46 am

Crysis 2 is a console game. It's a fact.

You can see this in:

Removal of features to accomodate gamepads

Smaller map sizes and teams to accomodate console hardware

less than optimal graphical detail on PC

'streamlining' of powers as a sneaky way of attempting to justify the removal of intelligent suit management.

Those are your own assumptions not fact.
Smaller maps doesn't have anything to do with consoles, the way how players can move around in Crysis 2 suggest to build multilevel maps where players can use suite abilities like "ledge climbing" instead of running on one level map waisting suite potential. Map size is dictated by changes in nanosuite abilities and their management, not by consoles power. To show it more clearly, console can without problem handle areas 2-3 times larger in SP than some maps in MP, also some maps in MP are few times larger than other maps in MP. So if console can handle larger maps then your assumption that maps are small because of consoles is just ridiculous to the bone.

"Removal of features to accomodate gamepads"
Another wrong conclusion, since Crysis 2 is a "multiplatform" game ofc that it will be have futures for consoles even in PC version, this is 21 century, people use pad's on PCs, and since it is a fact, then foolish would be to not add this future in PC version of game. It always can help to sell few more copies of game.

"less than optimal graphical detail on PC"
This is dictated by fact that Crysis 2 was create having in mind all 3 platform abilities, not because it was straight console game. wtf obvious thing.

"'streamlining' of powers as a sneaky way of attempting to justify the removal of intelligent suit management."
What "intelligent suit management" wth are you talking about?

This man, has no understanding of what a console port is.
Definition: A game which does not fully utilise the capabilities of modern day computer technology due to limitations of console equipment essentially being enforced on the computer release.

Whether Crytek made it on PC and gave it to the XBOX, made it on the PS3 and gave it to the PC or did them all at once makes no difference, fact is, IT DOESN'T USE PC HARDWARE OPTIMALLY, IT LACKS THE MAXIMUM GRAPHICAL POTENTIAL THAT IT WOULD BE AT HAD IT NOT BEEN PRODUCED FOR CONSOLES AND IT LOOKS WORSE THAN CRYSIS 1. IT IS A PORT!!

Your definition just make laugh. Well you see your definition talks about games which first were coded straight for console and then recoded to work on PC. But C2 never was coded for console as an base platform, seriously people should just stfu with that "console port" since they fail to understand how game was developed.

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sam smith
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:43 am

-wardice is a crytek lap dog dont listern to him
- crysis 2 sold just fine on pc
-a pc exclusive pc only free expansion would further improve the sales
-release MAXIMUM GRAPHICS patch within 2 weeks before ppl lose interest in this pos
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Adrian Powers
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:55 am

Ru8ix, you are the first post I have seen here that actually understands what I have said. I understand my 4 steps I proposed was simply.
1) Fix all problems
2) Make sure no one complains in public
3) Solve piracy and cheating.
4) Do market research..

= Mo' money..

But at the same time there is a limited amount of things they can actually do. This was meant for a post that maybe someone at crytech would read and even then maybe gain a little insight on how the community feels as a whole as most of the treads I have seen on here are QQ threads. 1) I don't say fix all problems but mere 1 problem a week. Thats easy. Ive been a dev before and that was a very simple task. 2) You cant control what people do in a public environment I understand completely, what I was trying to say there is that if people just come to a forum to find out more about a game that they are more likely to not buy it if everyone just QQ's. 3) This is an easy one also, I can also provide the .dll file that is injected when the program is run. My friend has the program himself and even he said he would be willing to give crytech the files to stop this. 4) This is a common one many forget. Market Research is one of the most crucial aspects of any modern day game. If you want to be successful which I know everyone wants to be, then you need to follow the book called "The Purple Hippo" which is all about marketing successfully!!
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Katharine Newton
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:51 am

-wardice is a crytek lap dog dont listern to him

And then..

- crysis 2 sold just fine on pc

Haha, here boy fetch Yerlis newspaper >:D
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luis ortiz
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:20 am

Fatal 4 President.

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James Baldwin
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:52 pm

The purple hippo? what a strange name for a marketing book.
Anyway.. I actually have studied marketing intensively at uni.. and the world of business and few things I have learnt... and I share..

On the issue of providing resources to Crytek for free, aka the hack fix this would be not possible... I'll explain why..

1) Crytek or any business only rely on the people they hire.. hence why they hired them. If you did come up with a 100% solution to piracy companies don't want to hear it unfortunatly. As crazy as it sounds its true. The reason is simply because they don't believe you or they just don't want to listen. Only when you come up with a working program that has gained popularity in the community and made money from it.. they'll consider to use it.. and to do that they'll prob buy you out anyway and you'll be working for them.. or under them.

2) Murpheys law..or Sods law watever... If there is only 2 ways of doing things.. there will always be a 3rd way.

And on the topic of making money and why don't they do this and this step by step.. the answer is simple. Unfortunatly you'll have to accept this,

Shareholders (people with actual invested interest in their actvities.. Not buyers. But actual investors) - Dictate the action and direction any company makes. Even if suggestion solutions would be guaranteed money making. They will only listen to their Shareholders and what they think. Its more corporate than just programming a game away. Most of the time when shareholders are involved, bad or slow decision making is usualy the result of an uninformed board who know nothing (some of the time) about what their own money is going into.

Long story short - svck it up to the big guy. Even if he's a retard.

Oh on side note.. real story here... At my Uni days there was this lecturer who removed posts complaining of her teaching. We complained.. I complained and she got investigated formally by the University board. Supressing the freedom of expresion of students was a serious thing. It p*ssed people off bad. In this situation, its no different. Remove their posts, you see another one called .. 'Crytek is a nazi' or somthing random like that.
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Natalie J Webster
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:33 pm

Crysis 2 is a console game. It's a fact.

You can see this in:

Removal of features to accomodate gamepads

Smaller map sizes and teams to accomodate console hardware

less than optimal graphical detail on PC

'streamlining' of powers as a sneaky way of attempting to justify the removal of intelligent suit management.

Those are your own assumptions not fact.
Smaller maps doesn't have anything to do with consoles, the way how players can move around in Crysis 2 suggest to build multilevel maps where players can use suite abilities like "ledge climbing" instead of running on one level map waisting suite potential. Map size is dictated by changes in nanosuite abilities and their management, not by consoles power. To show it more clearly, console can without problem handle areas 2-3 times larger in SP than some maps in MP, also some maps in MP are few times larger than other maps in MP. So if console can handle larger maps then your assumption that maps are small because of consoles is just ridiculous to the bone.
1) You haz leet English sk1llz.. plx teech m3?

2) Look at the draw distance on console SP, you get texture pop ins and poor framerate even on the single player. What you seek to use as evidence just proves the consoles are on their limit.

With those visuals (which are good) the consoles suffer some pretty obvious drops in performance. They could not make use of bigger maps than they already have in MP.

It would be perfectly possible for the nanosuit to be used well in open areas as it was in Crysis 1.. In fact, if the areas weren't so damn small we could have some proper maximum speed. The vertical areas are nice, but would have been better if we had battlefield sized maps instead of CoD sized maps.

"Removal of features to accomodate gamepads"
Another wrong conclusion, since Crysis 2 is a "multiplatform" game ofc that it will be have futures for consoles even in PC version, this is 21 century, people use pad's on PCs, and since it is a fact, then foolish would be to not add this future in PC version of game. It always can help to sell few more copies of game.
The most commonly used, and precise input tool for PC gaming is the mouse. Without aim assist, people who use gamepads on their PC usually get raqed. The aim should not be to encourage inferior technology, but to make the best game, and take full advantage of the features available to the PC.

..and I absolutely **** guarantee you the extra features would have sold more than the gamepad compatibility has. You forget, most of the PC crowd have some experience with Crysis 1. There is no way they were buying this game with the intention of plugging in a controller.

"less than optimal graphical detail on PC"
This is dictated by fact that Crysis 2 was create having in mind all 3 platform abilities, not because it was straight console game. wtf obvious thing.
Your logic fails. The fact that the game was made to console standard and not significantly improved for PC is evidence enough that it is just a console game. I don't see how you can legitimately argue with this point. It's not a matter of what platform you're using, but the fact you're playing a game primarily developed for console use.

"'streamlining' of powers as a sneaky way of attempting to justify the removal of intelligent suit management."
What "intelligent suit management" wth are you talking about?

I take it you never played Crysis?

In Crysis you had to get real skillful at using the radial menu, and choose between offence and defence, as well as cloak and protection. While the streamlining of powers has made the suit more versatile, it also makes it incredibly noob-friendly, and as such adds very little to the game.

I just wish devs didn't sell out and jump on the CoD train.

Crytek relied on the reputation of C1 to bring in the old fans, and copied the current FPS trend to bring in the new fans. I guess they thought they'd have both sets of fans.. but instead they pissed off the old fans and the new fans are going to **** off as soon as Brink arrives, or the next CoD, or whatever else.
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CArla HOlbert
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:14 am

MMA u cant teach old lap dogs new tricks.........hez busy admiring crytek
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:04 am

Well map size isn't the issue. Look at Bad Company 2 on consoles. The multiplayer runs fine there...(although that may be because the console version also has dedicated servers).
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:09 pm

your assumption that maps are small because of consoles is just ridiculous to the bone

You're ridiculous to the bone.

Ohh don't worry I have a source to back my claim up:
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Harry-James Payne
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:41 am

Dont feed the troll osok.....when bf3 comes, we all be playing it and the lapdog would be playing this pos with 2 other hackers
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Andrew Perry
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:27 am

2) Look at the draw distance on console SP, you get texture pop ins and poor framerate even on the single player. What you seek to use as evidence just proves the consoles are on their limit.

With those visuals (which are good) the consoles suffer some pretty obvious drops in performance. They could not make use of bigger maps than they already have in MP.

Ofc. they can make or just use larger maps, what you have in game now doesn't prove that console can't have larger maps than MP now. Graphic engine and can be modified in many various ways to create maps which won't cause massive graphic lag. Simply by reducing amount of textures/shadows/objects displayed beyond your field of view will drastically increase performance. Bigger maps thats not a problem on consoles and that a fact, other fact is that they didn't need bigger maps since idea was to create fast and intense PvP in multi.

PS. Read my answer in this post to "Osok" ;)

It would be perfectly possible for the nanosuit to be used well in open areas as it was in Crysis 1.. In fact, if the areas weren't so damn small we could have some proper maximum speed. The vertical areas are nice, but would have been better if we had battlefield sized maps instead of CoD sized maps.
First of all there is plenty room on MP maps to use speed mode from C1.
Second, it make you dead after one dash because you gonna lose whole energy after 2sec.
Third, this is not C1 [period]

..and I absolutely **** guarantee you the extra features would have sold more than the gamepad compatibility has. You forget, most of the PC crowd have some experience with Crysis 1. There is no way they were buying this game with the intention of plugging in a controller.

I said some people which is supported even by some posts here on gamesas from people who said that they switched from Consoles to PC for C2 and use pad's. Anyway still i don't see problem in using any idea which can make product more attractive, this is business for **** sake.

Your logic fails. The fact that the game was made to console standard and not significantly improved for PC is evidence enough that it is just a console game. I don't see how you can legitimately argue with this point. It's not a matter of what platform you're using, but the fact you're playing a game primarily developed for console use.

Not improved for PCs? Are you f.. blind?! o.O Most of the aspects of C2 graphic surpass C1 graphic which was best looking game and at some point still is. And this game wasn't developed primarily for console use, it was and it is a multi-platform architecture which can using same source code work on 3 platforms in same REAL time.

I take it you never played Crysis?
I did thats why i am asking what f.... "intelligent suit management", C1 suite management was broken, and C2 proves it very well.

In Crysis you had to get real skillful at using the radial menu, and choose between offence and defence, as well as cloak and protection. While the streamlining of powers has made the suit more versatile, it also makes it incredibly noob-friendly, and as such adds very little to the game.

Ahh now i know that "intelligent suit management" is your own idea. Well there was nothing "intelligent" in suit management, it was broken "half-baked" system which was fixed in C2, same with Visor which finally in C2 become useful.


your assumption that maps are small because of consoles is just ridiculous to the bone

You're ridiculous to the bone.

Ohh don't worry I have a source to back my claim up:
Did you read that? No? Let me help you...

"For the PC, you can have 64 player games, but for the consoles you can only have a modest 24 players in a match."

Thats 16 players more than in Crysis 2, which can suggest that maps will be way larger than Crysis 2 has now.

Wait wait what your saying, consoles can't have larger maps that C2??? haha in your face.

Some people choose some side, better or not, they are devoted to something. You on another hand are just plain moron who use in same sentence words "i like crytek" and "they fail", and in many various ways prove that being senseless troll is what you generally do in life.
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Laura Shipley
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:35 am

aww lapdog did i hurt ur feelings???
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