Crytech I have a solution to boost sales on the PC

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:16 am

aww lapdog did i hurt ur feelings???

Nah, you posting same overrated trolls and "insults" <(?!?! o.O) of forum of game which you describe as an broken crap WHILE advertising Battlefield 3 = some crazy laugh on this side of screen ^^

Guess words "ignorance is bliss" start to mean something in regard to your person :X

Anyway, keep talking.
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Laura Shipley
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:57 am

wardice is still trolling these forums? ROFL.

kids a joke
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Theodore Walling
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:48 am

They're already doing everything you said noob. Lol.

if they are doing this then... WHERE ARE THE RESULTS

good point
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Lisa Robb
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:56 pm

They're already doing everything you said noob. Lol.

if they are doing this then... WHERE ARE THE RESULTS

good point

"Ohh where are results" "Good point" "bal bla bla blaaa" FFS Are you guys even remotely aware of what going on here on in game and what Crytek staff is doing?

1.They did banned accounts of biggest cheaters, and they keep doing it.
2.Threads which have bad impact on community are deleted.
3.Forums staff listen and respond to community which someone who is isn;t blind would notice.
4.They are fixing bugs, not like everything will be fixed jsut by snapping fingers but they are working on it.

Community is so retarded that they are not seeing what is going on under their own noses, only things which this community know how to to is whining 24/7, and moaning "fix this fix that fix my life"......

....this forum become a freaking Whining Wagon, no wonder why some people avoid to post here >.>
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Pawel Platek
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:51 am

Those are your own assumptions not fact.
Smaller maps doesn't have anything to do with consoles, the way how players can move around in Crysis 2 suggest to build multilevel maps where players can use suite abilities like "ledge climbing" instead of running on one level map waisting suite potential. Map size is dictated by changes in nanosuite abilities and their management, not by consoles power. To show it more clearly, console can without problem handle areas 2-3 times larger in SP than some maps in MP, also some maps in MP are few times larger than other maps in MP. So if console can handle larger maps then your assumption that maps are small because of consoles is just ridiculous to the bone.

"Removal of features to accomodate gamepads"
Another wrong conclusion, since Crysis 2 is a "multiplatform" game ofc that it will be have futures for consoles even in PC version, this is 21 century, people use pad's on PCs, and since it is a fact, then foolish would be to not add this future in PC version of game. It always can help to sell few more copies of game.

"less than optimal graphical detail on PC"
This is dictated by fact that Crysis 2 was create having in mind all 3 platform abilities, not because it was straight console game. wtf obvious thing.

"'streamlining' of powers as a sneaky way of attempting to justify the removal of intelligent suit management."
What "intelligent suit management" wth are you talking about?

Actually smaller maps is a direct result of the limitations of consoles and making the game the way they did. Crytek has even said this. Did you not read the article where Crytek said they want the next generation of consoles to have at least 8gb of ram and so on and so forth?

Deny it all you want but consoles limited what we got on the pc.

DICE is doing this right, making the pc version of Battlefield 3 first with 64 players and then scaling it down for consoles. Something that was apparently beyond Crytek's ability to do.


"My finger-pointing at Microsoft/Sony would really be on the memory side. It's way too low, and the biggest crippling factor from a visual perspective. I would really like to see next-gen console platforms with a minimum of 8GB."
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lillian luna
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:22 am

Here is a step by step plan to boost sales on the PC.

Step 1: Rid the forums of all QQ threads up to the first 20 pages of the forums and make sure you moderate the forums and rid all QQ threads. People dont want to buy the game if people are just going to cry over little stuff about the game.

Most people don't even read the forums. And they don't care if some guy is whining about little things; they just want a fun game to play.

The other steps are valid.
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Samantha Pattison
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:57 pm

What you all dont understand that keep bashing this thread is that if they follow those steps it will in fact increase sales leading to a bigger online community. A bigger online community = more money. More money = Crytech even more happy. Which in turn is the best for all players so that way crytech does not stop fixing bugs, banning hackers etc...

= more ticked of pc players that the game won't run.
= more people posting QQ threads
.....great plan dude
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:45 pm

Actually Crysis 2 was not a console port. It was a game designed to be played on a windows based machine such as a high end gaming pc. They then took the same concept and applied to to the console making it look like a port when it really wasnt. NomadLives you should really read up on the posts crytech did a few months before release. As for someone that has to use foul language in there posts must really show some intelligence due to lack of vocabulary in such a feeble mind.

Riddle me this..........if this wasn't a 'crapsole' port, then why do us PC owners have to choke down the OBVIOUS DX9 limitations imposed by the INFERIOR crapsoles?
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:35 pm

Actually Crysis 2 was not a console port. It was a game designed to be played on a windows based machine such as a high end gaming pc. They then took the same concept and applied to to the console making it look like a port when it really wasnt. NomadLives you should really read up on the posts crytech did a few months before release. As for someone that has to use foul language in there posts must really show some intelligence due to lack of vocabulary in such a feeble mind.

Riddle me this..........if this wasn't a 'crapsole' port, then why do us PC owners have to choke down the OBVIOUS DX9 limitations imposed by the INFERIOR crapsoles?

Well you see its very simple actually. They wanted to get the most out of DX11 thats why it is coming at a later date.
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Lil Miss
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:36 am

I have to agree with just about everyone here.. this post was just plain stupid (no offense Fatal, but it was).

You may call these threads QQ topics, but if people don't complain, then no one will know things are screwed up, and the more people that complain, then Crytek can see that it's a serious wide spread issue and not something linked just to a few players. Complaints are needed.. the "flaming" really isn't, but the complaints are!

As for Crytek deleting threads to boost sales, Ummm... no, that won't boost sales. Fixing the game would be the best way to boost sales, adding directX 11 would also help somewhat, especially if it's put out there so people know.

Once issues get fixed, hackers get under control, and people can play some nice smooth games, the game will grow and grow. If it gets fixed soon, sales will continue if it's a well liked game, personally I think it will be well liked once it's fixed, I like it now.

Just look @ Counter-Strike:Source, that game is "still selling" and it's old. It also has alot of servers with players. Why, people like it and it plays smoothly. Crysis 2 will be the same way soon enough.
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Rex Help
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:16 am

someone who isn't blind or someone who constantly checks the forums?

there is a difference between whining and going against absurd statements.
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Claire Jackson
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:04 am

2) Look at the draw distance on console SP, you get texture pop ins and poor framerate even on the single player. What you seek to use as evidence just proves the consoles are on their limit.

With those visuals (which are good) the consoles suffer some pretty obvious drops in performance. They could not make use of bigger maps than they already have in MP.

Ofc. they can make or just use larger maps, what you have in game now doesn't prove that console can't have larger maps than MP now. Graphic engine and can be modified in many various ways to create maps which won't cause massive graphic lag. Simply by reducing amount of textures/shadows/objects displayed beyond your field of view will drastically increase performance. Bigger maps thats not a problem on consoles and that a fact, other fact is that they didn't need bigger maps since idea was to create fast and intense PvP in multi.

Lol, you're only proving me right. Reducing the visuals is the only way to get larger maps.

You try and explain to the players why on certain maps their game looks like ****. It wouldn't be done. That kind of decision on visuals has to be made from the start and be consistent across the game.

..and you're wrong, suit management wasn't broken in C1, it was perfect for PC, just like the commrose in BF games.
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Damian Parsons
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:08 am

Reducing graphic beyond your field of view, NOT IN your field of view, you don't need to have rendered objects/textures/shadows behind you if are not looking at them, this technology was even used in Crysis 1 to get more performance so people could actually play C1 with some decent FPS.


"For the PC, you can have 64 player games, but for the consoles you can only have a modest 24 players in a match."

Which means if Battlefield 3 can have maps for 24 players (2 times more than C2), then for sure Crysis 2 can have +/- 2 times larger maps than biggest map now available in C2 MP.
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Matthew Barrows
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:58 pm

Now that CA is releasing an awesome dx11 patch for shogun 2, Crytek take a note.

Please dont be a vapourware cheack box dx11 patch
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:03 am

Well I have smthing to boost sales/

TEST it before release !
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Big mike
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:30 am

Reducing graphic beyond your field of view, NOT IN your field of view, you don't need to have rendered objects/textures/shadows behind you if are not looking at them, this technology was even used in Crysis 1 to get more performance so people could actually play C1 with some decent FPS.


"For the PC, you can have 64 player games, but for the consoles you can only have a modest 24 players in a match."

Which means if Battlefield 3 can have maps for 24 players (2 times more than C2), then for sure Crysis 2 can have +/- 2 times larger maps than biggest map now available in C2 MP.

Yeah, what's your point? BC2 had 12 man teams on consoles and large maps, but the visuals weren't up to the C2 standards. (on console)

Until we see a CONSOLE trailer on Bf3 and some screenshots, there is no way you can use this as evidence. Everything we've seen so far of BF3 is on PC. The res on consoles and textures will be significantly lower. Especially considering BF3 will feature destruction.
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