Step 1: Rid the forums of all QQ threads up to the first 20 pages of the forums and make sure you moderate the forums and rid all QQ threads. People dont want to buy the game if people are just going to cry over little stuff about the game.
Step 2: Ban All Hackers! In this game the security features are really not that great when it comes to hacking or cracking. People crack the game for pirates and then those pirates hack the game. So to fix this problem you need to research the hacking software out there. Most of them input a .dll file to mod the game files so you could just figure out that few .dll files for the game and make it to where you cant add .dll files to the game directory.
Step 3: Listen to the community. The community is a great place for information such ideas for future patches. All the community wants is to be heard and for you to acknowledge that so that way they can have there voices heard and even maybe with a chance bring about the greater good we know of crysis 2
Step 4: Fix bugs. This is a priority that must be taken care of. I understand you have a limited amount of time and/or dev's working for you to make this happen, but what if just 1 day out of the week the dev's take the time and work out 1 maybe even 2 bugs and make sure there tested and verified. This way that people will stay on the multiplayer and buy your future DLC to make this game even a greater success that Crysis or Crysis Warhead was!
If you follows this step by step process Im sure you will get PC sales to go up. People wanted a solid game and they want Crysis 2 to be that game. They want the game to follow its previous titles to live up to the glory of Crysis and Crysis Warhead. So please Crytech take a look at this and remember that they community wants to be heard and if you just acknowledge it peopple will be a little bit more happy.
I thank you all for who have read this entire post and I hope you have a great time playing the beloved Crysis 2.
~FatalReactor Out~